Chapter 7

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It has been about 2 weeks since I found out about Perrie. Since then I have ignored Zayn as much as I could. I still don't really understand what really happened. But all I know is that Zayn asked me out on a date when he still has a girlfriend. And thats not right. No one should be cheated on. Its either you are with one person. Or you arn't. 

So currently I am in my room looking up when the auditions are for the X Factor US. Which is in a week and a half. And again the guys wanted to help Claire and I out. But we kindly rejected. We wanted to do this by ourselves. At the time being my Aunt and Uncle took Quinn to my grandparents for the night to give me a break. And you all know what that means..... Its time to put my head phones in and blast the music while singing and dancing around the house. 

Just as I was done singing Story of My Life I did my famous spin, where I almost fall on my tooshie, and I saw blonde hair at the corner of my eye. Then I came face to face with Niall. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I called you like 10 times but you didn't pick up your phone. So I decided to make sure everything was okay since I promised your aunt I would keep an eye on you." He said.

"So you just called to check up on me?"

"Um actually no... Perrie asked me if you and I wanted to go on a double date with her and Zayn....." He said kind of trailing off.

"Sure. I would love to. It would get me out of the house for a bit." I said. Plus she still thinks Niall and I are dating. I wonder what she thinks Zayn was doing at my house anyway...... Just then I got you of my train of thought by Nialls next words.

"I was wondering.... Ugh.... Ummm... If maybe you.... Um.... Wanted to actually go on the..... Date with me like... a actual date?" He asked while looking at the ground. I just stood there. I was so shocked. I couldn't form any words. 

"I uhhh.... Potatoes?" I said. I was so mad at myself. I wanted to tell him yes but I couldn't form the words. So now I'm staring at a nervous and confused looking Niall. It seriously looked like he was about to cry.

"Oh.... Um.... Never mind. Forget that I even brought it up." He said while rubbing the back of his neck. I felt terrible. He can't just take it back. I wanted to go out with him so badly. Cuz in the last two weeks I have gotten really close with him. I have discovered that I really like him. But I didn't think that the feeling was mutual...

"What are you talking about? Of course I will go on the date with you! Are you crazy!? I just couldn't speak aright at that moment. I mean you know I say random things when I am cought off guard and nervous." I told him honestly. His face had three emotions then. He had a confused, happy, guilty, then a smile again.  

"Alrighty then! But can we have our own little date after the double date?" He asked me. 

"Sure what do you have in mind?" 

"Its gonna be a surprise."

"Okay just one more question. What am I supose to wear on these dates?" I asked raising up one eyebrow in the process.

"I will tell you later. But I'm gonna take you so we can hang out with everyone before the dates." He said while grabbing my hand. But once we went outside I pulled my hand away, which by the way killed me. And just as I did so he tuned around at lightning speed. 

"I have to go put actual clothes on first." I told him pointing at my jammy pants and tank top. He just nodded his head and we walked back into my house. I ran upstairs and changed. Then we headed to the boy's apartment. I guess they need to stay in Iowa for about a month or two because there is a big concert then. 

Once we got there I was attacked. Louis literally jumped on my back and Harry and Liam pushed Niall out of the way and hugged me with all there might. "Gosh guys! Its only been a day and you are acting like its been years! Now will you please let go? I kinda can't breathe..." I said getting squshed. Once they let go I went and hugged Perrie and sat down. 

I havn't talked to Zayn once since the day I found out about Perrie. I can't even look at him. I know that everyone is telling me that he thought they broke up. But how do you think you broke up with someone? It's either they're together or they arn't. 

"So what has everyone been up to?" I asked them trying to stop it from being akward. But it didn't works since right as I said that Niall sat next to me and took my hand and smiled a huge smile at me. And of course my face is redder than a fire truck as soon as he does this. 

"OMG YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!!!" Perrie yelled. And of course that made me blush even more. 

"Um. Marissa can I talk to you for a moment?" Liam said as he took my hand and pulled me to his room. "Whats going on between you and Niall? I know you have been acting like you guys are dating. But that was not acting back there." He said as we took a seat on his bed. 

"He asked me out on a date. And Li I am starting to really like him." I told him.

"Are you sure you arn't doing this to get back at Zayn? I don't want anyone getting hurt. Exspecually Niall." He told me. 

"I'm not doing this because of Zayn. I like Niall a little before I liked Zayn." I told him.

"Alright. As long as you actually like him and you wont break his heart, you have my blessing."  He told me. I just stood there  looking at him like he is an idiot.

" Why thank you sir for  giving me permission  to go on a date with your best  mate." I said in a posh British accent.

"Stick with the Amarican  accent gurl." He said in a ghetto voice. By now I'm on Liam's bed crying because I am laughing so hard. Then Liam has an evil smirk on his face, so I stop mid laugh and look at him terrified. Just before he got  me in his grasp I just up and dash twards the door.

"You'll never catch me alive coppers!!!" I screamed and ran.  Everyone stared at me when I reached the living room. I hurried up and dove behind Niall and hugged him for dear life. "Help me! Liam is gonna attack me!" Just then Liam pulls me from Niall and starts to tickle me. "No! Stop! If you don't stop I will pee! Then you will have pee all over your carpet and I'm not cleaning it up!" I screamed.

Just then I heard the door close and Liam looked up and froze. When I looked up I saw Zayn. He looked pissed. Then in a split second he was  across the room and beating the crap out of Niall.

Well talk about random........

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2013 ⏰

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