Ch. 2

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By the time the group I sat with was done eating, everyone else had already finished and were in their rooms. I finished along with Suho and his four brothers, then saw them to their rooms, all of us laughing on the way. Once everyone was in their rooms, I returned to the dining room, hoping that I could help clean up. When I entered, I saw Mrs. Wood pushing in chairs and picking up all the plates. I started to push in the rest of the chairs, causing her to realize I was there, surprised.

"You do not need to help me. I can do this, no problem." she said, smiling at me as I continued. "I want to help you." I said, and continued to push in the chairs. After all of the chairs were pushed in, I began to gather the silverware and plates, placing them onto the rolling tray that Mrs. Wood had with her.

After that, I convinced Mrs. Wood to let me wipe down the table since she refused to let me do the dishes. I sang to myself quietly as I wiped the table down, nodding my head in tune with the melody. After a couple of minutes I had finished wiping the table and turned to go to the kitchen to see if I could help Mrs. Wood with anything. That was when I noticed that Suho was standing by the large dining room doors, smiling.

"Oh, hey. I didn't see you there." I said, a little startled that I didn't notice him sooner.

"I was wandering around the house a bit when I heard you. I decided to stay and listen for a bit. Sorry for not saying anything, but your singing was so pretty I didn't want to interrupt." He smiled, pushing himself off of the wall he was leaning against.

I smiled when he said that my singing was pretty, since I didn't think I was very good, and looked down at the rag in my hands. "Thanks." I said. I never really received complements, so I was being a shy.

"So, do you want some help cleaning?" He asked, still smiling.

"Well, I was going to see if Mrs. Wood would like some help in the kitchen. You could come with me." I said, giving him a small smile.

He nodded, and moved to hold the door open for me, and then grabbed the kitchen door for me as well.

"Thanks." I smiled, and he nodded, following me into the kitchen. Looking around, I couldn't see Mrs. Wood, so I called out for her, but she didn't answer. "Where'd she go?" I asked myself.

"She probably went to her room. The dishes are all finished and everything looks spotless, so..." Suho said, shrugging slightly.

"Yeah. Well, I guess we should head to our rooms then." I said, a little disappointed since I couldn't help her out any more than I did.

"I'm actually going to look around for a bit. This house is huge." Suho said. "You want to join me?" He asked, and I gave him a smile.

"I would love to, but I am really tired. I should go to bed." I said, and Suho nodded.

"That's understandable. Well, I'll see you tomorrow then." He smiled and held open the kitchen door for me.

"See you tomorrow." I nodded, and made my way upstairs to my room. Just as I got to the top of the staircase, I turned the corner and almost ran right into Tao.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry." I said, and moved out of his way.

He stood there for a split second, then spoke. "Its okay." He said, then made his way downstairs.

I stood there for a while. Why was I so uncomfortable around him? I knew that something seemed off about him, but I wasn't sure what. Once Tao made it down the stairs and turned down the hall, I shook my head. I was probably just tired. I decided to head to bed, and quickly returned to my room.

I quickly took a shower and changed into some shorts and a oversized T-shirt, then basically fell into my bed. I was exhausted, this morning I had no clue I was moving, and now here I was. I quickly climbed under my blankets and settled in. I was out before my head even hit the pillow.

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