Opening the letter

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Ravens POV

----- at the weekend -----

"I give up "
I say to Rose , why won't she just listen and hear me out ?
"Well maybe it's because she doesn't want to be near you , if you want I can try and explain things to her for you . "

"Yeah that would be nice " I say with a smile , suddenly I see George making his way over to me and Rose can tell I was getting excited to see him .

"I'll leave you two alone then " Rose say while giving me a wink , she grabs up all her stuff and heads up to the staircases to go to the dorm or so I think .

"Hey Raven " George shouts then comes over to sit with me .

"Hey George " I reply back with a smile . He pulls me in for another but then he whispers ....

"wait Raven"

"Yeah I reply back "

"I know I don't know u that well but follow me "

He pulls my hand and takes me up and out to where we had to hand in our slips for hogsmead . George grabs mine out my bag and gives mine to professor Magonagull . This is when he pulls me in for another kiss .

"See I told you I wanted to know you better this is why " he says while looking into my eyes and holding my face in his nice and warm hands .

I let out a cute giggle and I just couldn't break eye contact with him .

"Okay lovebirds are we ready to go ? " professor Magonagull says laughing .

"Yeah me and George " me and George both say while looking into each others eyes .

"Let's go " he whispers

"Okay " I whisper back

-------in the leaky cauldron---------

George comes over with two butter beers and sits down , he got us the seats next to the fire place so I wasn't to cold .

"Oh Raven you dropped this earlier I was gonna give it back to you but I forgot" , he hands over the letter from my mum .

"Oh thank you " I say while taking it back and holding it in my hands wondering if I should open it or not .

"You should open it , it looks important" he says while looking down at the letter .

"Okay I'll open it" . I take of the wax stamp of the back and open the envelope and begin to read .

----what the letter says-----

Raven I know I told you not to worry about your father while he was ill for you going into your first year but sadly dear he has gotten worse . Doctors still don't know what is wrong with him but they say he might not have long left just be prepared for bad news darling . I am so sorry if this makes the first part of hog warts bad for you but I thought you should know . Lots of love , Your mother xxx

I try so hard not to cry but George can see the tears forming in my eyes . He grabs the letter and starts to read it , when he looks up he looks into my eyes and pulls me close and hugs me and says "everything will be alright , I am here for you no matter what " . I just can't help it , I start to cry when he's hugging me . I just can't believe my father has gotten more ill and I just feel George kissing me head and holding me close and that makes me feel partly warm inside .

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