Meeting George

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Raven POV

Today might just be the best day of my life as we are now going to be learning our first bits of magic today !

Me , Angelena and Rose have all started to head down to the great hall when my owl comes down dropping a letter saying open in private your mother , I quickly take it and hide it in my inside pocket of my robe and waited to open it later . I quickly turned around to be face to face with a Griffendoor boy named George , word has it that he was named after his fathers brother as he died or something like that but I was so shocked that I fell ontop of him on the floor as I stepped on his robe when I tried to walk away , luckily not many people saw but George and I have linked eyes but then he pulls him self up and helps me pick up my things and says be careful next time ok we don't want a beautiful girl like you hurting yourself now do we . I shake my head as I am so shocked to talk .

What's your name beauty ? he asks me .

M-My name is R-Raven I say in a quiet voice .

Well lovely to meet you Raven and do u need accompanied to your first class ? he asks me in a sweet loving voice and gives a wink .

I- I would love to be accompanied by someone to my next class .

I can hear Rose and Angelena laughing behind me and I turn around but Angelena doesn't look to happy , I start to wonder why ...

George takes me by the hand and takes me to potion class .

T-thank you , I said in a shy is voice

Your welcome beauty , didn't want you walking alone , say would u like to come to Hogsmeed with me tomorrow as I would like to get to know you more ? he says yet again in his sweet loving voice and I just cant say no . Suddenly I feel him pull me closer and he kisses me and he whispers see you tomorrow then .

I am so shocked I just say W-wow and I then hear someone crying behind me , I turn around to see Angelena in tears and see her run away .

19 years laterWhere stories live. Discover now