Chapter 3-Making our way in

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Albus Severous Potter's pov

I cant believe I am actually here apart from not knowing this man who Rose seems to know very well I feel bad from not knowing what to say or do but anyway that is in the past . I did managed to bump into Fred and George who are my friends but they are trouble makers a bit like me .

The loud tall man named Hagrid started to shout but all I could here from the back of the group was something about boats, that doesn't make me feel calm at all . Espesaily being left with Fred and George.

I have never been a fan of boats and I really am not looking forward to this .

------------magical time skip----------

Its my turn to get in a boat but i'm with Fred and George and I really am not excited for that. the tall man Hagrid approched me and whispered in my ear''

dont think I was going to leave you alone with trouble makers, im coming in your boat''.

I was extremely happy with this and started to cheer up again . As we all got in our boat Hagrid started to row , as he was rowing he was asking me questions about my family and told me about the adventures my dad and rose's mum and dad had been on together and how they defeated someone named Voldermort .

We nearly got to other part of the land when I saw something moving in the water beside our boat,

''no need to worrie son,there are mer-people who live here in our lake''

As  Hagrid told me this the mer-people's heads came out above water and started swimming next to us all as we rowed to shore.

I had a feeling this year is going to be great .

Hey guys isn't this a good chapter, also great way to leave this on a cliff hanger huh , comment down below what you think should happen next . Cheers HarryPotter_Lover123 out . ( by the way Fred and George are George's sons ok so no judgement )

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