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It has been five days since Jeremy brought Tonya to his house, and every evening, Donya Isabel comes to have dinner with them. And it has been five days that Jeremy hasn't contacted Cassandra.

He leaves early every morning, and comes back home at exactly five in the afternoon. Tonya finds a lot of things to do in his house. Just the other day, Jeremy showed her his library, wherein hundreds of books can be found, from novels to references. But every morning, Tonya reads her Bible first, before she checks the other books in the library.

Jeremy also has an upright piano and a guitar in his study, and he allows Tonya to go to this room. There was even one afternoon that they talked about the resolutions and ordinances that Jeremy works on. However, Tonya usually goes there to play the guitar, since it's the instrument that she can play very well. She is quite interested in politics now, though. And Jeremy finds her rather intelligent. 

Tonya finds it easier to walk now, that she can finally climb up and down the stairs without the need for Jeremy to carry her. Although from time to time, Jeremy still insists on assisting her.

Jeremy comes home late this evening, and he did not ask everyone, including Tonya, to wait for him. Yet he has this feeling inside of him, which he cannot understand, how a part of him, longs for Tonya. He hasn't called Cassandra since he took his mom's advice, and Cassandra hasn't called him. He already wonders if they are still together.

Tonight, Tonya stays in the receiving area after supper. She sits there for hours reading her Bible, finding refuge and comfort in every promise written there. She doesn't want to fall for another guy again now. No, she's not ready for another relationship yet. And she is not ready to fall for someone like Jeremiah. She doesn't want another heartache anymore. 

Tonya sits there and reads her Bible until she falls asleep in the sofa.

Jeremy arrives from his dinner meeting with the other local officials of Batac, and finds Tonya sleeping in the sofa. He is surprised to find her there, for it is already ten o'clock, and she should be in her room. He walks to her and see that she is holding something: her Bible. She is fast asleep that he doesn't want to wake her up. He gets the Bible from her and puts it aside, and then lifts her and carries her to her bedroom. He turns on the air-condition, and cover her with her blanket. He sits on the edge of Tonya's bed, and he stares at her for a minute, memorising her face. And then he stands up and goes out of her bedroom. 

He is about to get inside his room when he remembers about the Bible. He goes back downstairs to the receiving hall to get it. At first, he contemplates on leaving it in Tonya's bedroom, but then he decides to keep it for tonight. 

He goes inside his room, and leaves the Bible on top of his drawer. He goes to is bathroom to take a hot shower and then changes into a plain white shirt and his blue pajamas. He sees the Bible, picks it up and and examines it. It is a King James Version, and he doesn't understand what that means. He opens it, and he stumbles upon some verses from the book of Isaiah, which reads, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

He doesn't get it at first, so he reads it again. And for the first time after a long time, he says a prayer.

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