Three (trigger warning)

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Whilst running home I remembered that I forgot to leave a note for Tyler, he always makes me leave one if I go somewhere by myself to make sure I don't do it again. I start panicking because of Tyler thinks I have go to you know then he will be freaking out at home and might do something. I started to run home quicker and burst through the door. I heard Tyler crying upstairs and I ran up. The noise was coming from the bathroom and a saw some light coming from a crack in the door. I ran in and saw Tyler sitting on the floor with bloody arms and a pool of blood on the floor. He looked at me and started to cry even more.
"I'm so sorry Tyler" I said " we need to get you cleaned up and these cuts dressed"
"Where did you go Josh" Tyler whimpered
"I had to go and see a old friend I'm so sorry Tyler" I explained "I love you"
"I love you to Josh" Tyler said
I grabbed Tyler's other arm, pulled him up and put the bloody one under the tap. I turned the tap on and went to get the first aid kit from downstairs.
"Wait there Tyler" I shouted from the bottom of the stairs. I ran back up with the first aid kit and took and wound dressing and bandage from it.
"Pass me your arm" I said
Tyler gave me his arm, I dried it and dressed the wound.
I took Tyler to bed and told him to get some more sleep.
"But the fall out boy concert" Tyler said
"If you feel you are able to go then we will but if you don't then we won't okay" I explained "It's 09:30pm now and the concert starts at 10:30pm so I will come up in 40 minutes to see how you are and if you want to go that will give you enough time to get ready"
"Okay jish I love you"
"I love you too baby boy now get some sleep"
I blew Tyler a kiss before walking out of the bedroom door and back downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some chicken from the freezer and some ready made breadcrumbs (because I'm lazy) from the pantry. I cut the chicken into strips and rolled them in breadcrumbs and put them in the oven. When they were cooked I got them out and put half on a plate for me and half on a plate for Tyler's. I put Tyler's in the fridge and sat down to eat mine. Once I had finished it had been 40 minutes so I went to ask Tyler if he was alright
"Tyler are you feeling any good"
"Yeah a bit I feel alright to go to the concert too"
"Okay baby boy if you feel not right at any point just tell me and I will bring you back okay"
"Okay jish thank you, I love you"
"I love you too Tyler"

I Wonder If ~ Joshler (Kik Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now