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I left the room whilst Tyler was getting dressed to get his food out of the fridge. I grabbed his foot and took it up for him.
"I made you some food baby boy"
"Thank you so much jishwa I love you"
Tyler said
"I love you to baby here" I say and I give the food to Tyler "there is 15 minutes till the concert and it will take us about 5 minutes to get there so we have 10 minutes before we have to go"
"Okay jishhh"
I grab my backpack from beside the bed and go downstairs. I get two water bottles, fill them up and put them in the bag. I grab some more dressings and bandages and stuff them I the bag too and walk back upstairs. I sat on the bed next to Tyler and played on my phone waiting for Tyler to finish his food.
8 minutes later
"Yo jish I finished" I heard Tyler say
"Okay you wanna go now"
"Yeah sure"
I walk out of the bedroom and Tyler follows me. We both leave the house and get in the car. Tyler turns on the radio and fall out boy blasts from the speakers.
"AGHHHH WE ARE GOING TO SEE FALL OUT BOY" I hear Tyler shout and I start the car.

I Wonder If ~ Joshler (Kik Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now