Chapter Six

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"Hey it's Nicole. If you're trying to sell me something, I don't need it nor do I want it! If not, leave me a message." I knew that she wouldn't pick it up, but I left her a message...again.

"Nicole, it's me; JJ. I know you're in London right now and you're probably busy. I just wanted to say, again, that I am so sorry for what happened. I never meant to hurt you or make you think that I didn't want you think that I didn't want you in that kind of way, because I do! I just... {Sigh} God I don't know how to explain it! I just- {Sigh} Look, just give me a call when you can. Please. Bye."

I hang the phone up and toss it into my locker, feeling defeated. Some of the guys were looking over at me, but I didn't care. All I wanted to do was tell her how sorry I was and to let her know how much I wanted to be with her, but she wouldn't answer my calls or my text messages. I didn't know what else I could do. I leaned forward in my chair, resting my elbows on my knees and let my face fall into my hands.

"Hey man, you ok?" I hear someone ask. I look up and see Vince standing over me. I sit back up and lean back in the chair.

"I screwed up man." I sigh. "She won't return my calls or answer my texts. I don't know what to do Vince."

"Why don't you go to her? A face to face might be better than just blowing up her phone." He suggests.

"I can't. She's in London for her premiere." I groan, throwing my hands over my face.

Vince said nothing but gave me this 'so what' look. "So... what's the problem?"

I lift my hands up and look over at Vince. "What? You saying I should go to London and see her?"

He said nothing, but shrugs his shoulders. "You can't be serious." I say dryly.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't even know where in London she's at. Besides that, if she won't answer my calls or texts, what makes you think she would want to see me?"

"Look J, you really like this girl?" he asks me, his voice serious.


"And do you want her in your life?" He adds.


"Then go get her. Tell her how you feel and don't hold back."

"And what happens when I do that and she still wants nothing to do with me?"

"Then at least you'll know that you did everything you could." he replies. "JJ, this is the happiest I've seen you in a long time. So this is one of those moments where you need to just risk it all and go."

I was about to respond when my I hear my phone start going off. I jump from my chair and grab ahold of it, seeing Nicole's face light up my screen.

"Nicole?" I answer.

A female's voice answers. "No this is her friend Crys. We met the other night."

"Oh." I say disappointed.

"She doesn't know I'm calling you right now, so I'm gonna make this quick. I have spent the past couple of days watching my best friend lay up in her bed, wondering what she did wrong, why she let herself get caught up in whatever bullshit you were telling her, all that crap. She's really hurt."

"I know and I want to..."

"I'm not done!!" she interrupts. "Now, normally I would be calling to give you the biggest ass-chewing of your life! But, I saw the way you were looking at her and I can tell you really like her, so I don't care how or what you do, but you need to fix whatever the fuck you broke and fast! I refuse to see her like this another damn day!"

The Actress and the Athlete: A JJ Watt Story [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now