Chapter Nine

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"Alex, please! I swear I haven't cheated on you!" I yell. "You're being paranoid!"

"Do you think I'm an idiot?!?! I've seen the way he looks at you!" he slurs. He's always like this when he drinks.

"Who?!? What the hell are you talking about?"

"DON'T LIE TO ME YOU FUCKING SLUT!!" he screams in my face. I felt his fist crash into my cheek, knocking me to the ground. I started to taste blood coming from my mouth.

"You don't think I know about you and Kraft?" He lurks over me. "How you guys stay late at work because you're 'working'? You think I don't know you two are fucking?!?"

"Alex, please..." I try to say but I feel a hard kick to my stomach, silencing me.

"Shut up, slut." He crouches down over me, holding something shiny in his hand. "Do you honestly think anybody will love you the way I do? You are MINE; you understand? MINE. And its time you got that through your fucking head!"

I shot up in my bed, breathing heavily, the screeching sound of my alarm clock going off next to me. It takes me a second to realize I'm in my bedroom, then I quickly reach over and slam on the snooze button and fall back onto my pillow, throwing the covers back over my face. I hadn't had that particular nightmare in years, and I couldn't understand why I had it tonight. Maybe because of what happened with me and Crys?

I look down at my thigh and softly run my finger along the fresh tattoo that read "Never a failure, always a lesson" that somewhat covered the scar. It was still a little red and you could still slightly see the outline of the A, but I loved how it came out. Crys was right; it felt good to no longer see that terrible reminder of my past on my body.

I slowly lift my covers up more to glance at the time and quickly regret it; 5:00. Eddie was gonna be here in 10 minutes along with Crys & Ang for our workout (or as I referred to it: His Daily Torture Session).

I'm gonna have to get up sooner or later. "Ugh, why did he have to make us workout on a Saturday?" I groan. I roll out of bed and start to change into my workout gear. I head into my bathroom to brush my teeth and like clockwork, Eddie texts me.

You better be up and ready. - E

Yes, master. Creature is awake and dressed😑😑. - N

Lol good. Be there in 10. Meet me in the barn. - E

I finish brushing my teeth, pull my hair up in a high pony, and head downstairs and outside to the barn. I slide open the double doors and hit the lights on my home gym.

The Actress and the Athlete: A JJ Watt Story [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now