Chapter 4: Alex

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"I'm sorry I was running late."

"It's alright. You got here just in time, I thought you weren't coming so I was about to leave", Natalie said.

"Well thank God, I would've kicked myself if I missed out on a date with you." Natalie smiled at this which made Alex smile as well. Even though he had just met her, he loved seeing her smile. Her smile was so full of life and very sincere, yet he could tell there was a hint of sadness in her eyes though. Most people would miss this though, but not him. He had a knack for reading people. He had always been an observer and over the years he had learned to notice the subtle details about people. "You ready to go?" he asked.

"Lead the way", she said smiling up at him. As they were walking out of Central Park, she asked, "so where exactly is this pizza place? How far away?"

"Oh, it's not very far, but then again we're going to need a cab." After a few minutes he managed to hail a cab and they got in. "East 128th Street", Alex said to the cab driver.

"So what exactly is this pizza place like?" Natalie asked.

"Well, for starters, not many people know about it which is wonderful because the place is never crowded. Second, it's the best pizza you'll ever have, I promise."

"I'm gonna hold you to that promise."

"And I'm going to keep it", Alex said. "So, what's your home life like? Where do you live?"

"I actually live in an apartment on East 84th Street just outside Central Park. I live with a girl named Lauren, and she's sort of like my best-friend."

"Why do you say sort of?"

"Well", she started, "I haven't felt as close to her recently. I don't know exactly why, but maybe as we're growing older we're drifting apart. Then again I still love her to death."

As Natalie continued on about Lauren, Alex listened intently, but all the while he was soaking in her beauty. Her light brown hair fell to her mid back with such ease, and her bright blue eyes glistened like the sea after a storm. And of course he couldn't help but notice every curve on her body. From her head to her toes everything about her was perfect. Plus so far she seemed to actually have a great personality. Most girls this attractive were rude and snobby and didn't even look twice at him because they'd had life handed to them on a silver platter. Most girls like this had every guy falling head over heels for them.

"What about you, where do you live Alex?"

"Well", he started, but before he could answer the cab driver told them that they'd arrived. Alex paid for the cab and helped Natalie out. "This way", he said, "I'm telling you, you're going to love this place."

As they walked along East 128th Street, Natalie began to faintly smell pizza in the air. As they got closer the faint smell turned into a strong aroma of pizza that filled her nose with a wonderful odor. "This is the place", Alex said as he opened a door for her.

"WELCOME TO ANTWAN'S PIZZA BISTRO!" said a man who came forward. He had the thickest Italian accent that Natalie had ever heard and she was shocked by his excitement. "MY NAME IS GIVALDI ANTWAN AND I WILL BE YOUR HOST TONIGHT!" Then the man turned toward Alex and his face lit up. "ALEX! My best customer. For you I will give the VIP service!"

"Thank you Antwan", Alex said laughing.

"Please, Alex, call me Givaldi!"

"Alright, Givaldi, I'd like to introduce you Natalie."

"Ah, signora, it is a pleasure to meet you", Givaldi said before kissing Natalie's hand. This made Natalie turn a little red and start to laugh. "Well, I will not waste another moment of this special evening, this way please."

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