Chapter 16: The Ending

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Natalie's funeral was small. In attendance was of course Alex, Natalie's parents, and Lauren. Givaldi, the street musician, and Edgar (Natalie's old apartment building custodian) were all there as well. Alex had invited all of them because he knew that Natalie had some impact on all of their lives. Denny had come as well, even though he didn't know Natalie very well. He knew he had to be there for Alex that day. A few of Natalie's other friends Alex had only met at the wedding were there as well. 

Alex had forced himself not to cry during the funeral, even though everyone else in attendance was. Finally a point came where Alex was asked if he would say a few words. As he walked up beside her casket, he felt a lump begin to form in his throat.

"I do believe everyone here loves Natalie. Some of you maybe even more than I do. Though she could be short tempered at times, she was probably one of the kindest, most caring people any of us have met. I remember the first time I saw Natalie, it was like seeing a new color I've never seen before. She was beautiful. She was more than beautiful. I'll never forget the way she walked, the sound of her voice, the way her nose crinkled when she was being playful. I'll never forget anything about her. I hope that none of you forget about her either. It is said that people die twice; one time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time. Never forget Natalie."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As they lowered her casket into the grave, Alex felt tears beginning to form in his eyes. He knew he would never see Natalie again in his life on Earth. He hoped that the time would pass quickly before he saw her again. He threw a single red rose onto her casket as it was being lowered into the grave. He would forever love Natalie, and he knew that somehow, one day, they'd be together again. 

After her grave was resting on the ground beneath them, they began to fill the hole in. Alex looked at Natalie's casket one last time, and finally turned away. He felt his insides collapsing like a burning building. His heart sank to the bottom of his stomach and he could barely walk. He saw Denny walking next to him out of the corner of his eye. 

"Are you ready to go, Alex?"

"Yeah, I am." 

"Follow me. My car is over there."

Alex followed Denny to his car, and got into the passenger seat. Denny put the address into his GPS, and began to follow the directions. 

"I can't believe you're actually doing this", Denny said.

"I told you, I need to get away. I can't be in Manhattan right now, I need time."

"How much time, exactly?"

Alex looked out the windows at the buildings rolling by. "I'm honestly not sure."

"Well, don't stay gone too long. I'm going to miss you, man."

Alex felt his eyes begin to close. The last thing he remembered seeing was a faint image of Central Park before he fell asleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Alex, wake up. We're here, you have to hurry."

Alex opened his eyes to see Denny shaking him awake. He got out of the car and Denny had already gotten his bags for him. 

"This is it, I guess", Denny said. He wrapped his arms around Alex for the first time ever. "I'm seriously going to miss you, Alex. You're my best friend."

"I'm going to miss you too, Denny."

Denny finally let go and got in his car. "I'll see you soon, Alex, okay?"

"Okay, Denny."

With that said, Denny drove off on his way back to his apartment. Alex grabbed his bags and walked inside to pick up his ticket. 

"How may I help you, sir?"

"I bought a ticket online a few days ago."

"Where's your destination, sir?" 

"Portland International Airport in Oregon."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

3 Years Later

He reached down and pet Max, his German Shepherd. He turned and walked through the snow into his cabin. He threw another piece of wood into the fire to keep it going. He looked on the fireplace mantel and saw the picture of him and Natalie that she'd left him and her letter. A few months after her death, he received a letter from her parents attorney informing him that her parents had both died within the past month as well. It also informed him that after Natalie's death, her father had changed his will leaving his entire estate and fortune to Alex.

Alex had sold off the estate and all off its contents except for a few things that were of importance to her parents. Overnight Alex had become a multimillionaire. He had no idea what to do with the money. He first purchased a cabin up in the woods that looked down onto the town. He put the rest into savings and used it for the trips he took every year to different places. This year, he would go to Brazil and live there for a month. 

He had found a job at a downtown family owned store. He often wrote letters to Lauren and Denny informing them that he was doing well, though he didn't tell them where he was living. He had gotten Max one day from a local animal shelter. He and Max had been best friends since. Max followed him everywhere everyday. 

Alex walked back outside with max and looked down at the town. He took in a breath of cold air, smiled, and he felt at peace. He looked up at the stars, and he thought of Natalie. The stars always reminded him of how beautiful Natalie was. He had always thought that the stars were the most beautiful thing ever, but then he met Natalie, and she changed everything.

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