Chapter 7: Alex and Natalie

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Who the hell did he think he was saying something like that?

At first, she thought she might be having a nightmare when he asked that. In fact, she hoped she was having a nightmare when he said that. But when she realized that he was being serious and this wasn't a dream, a flame lit up inside of her. Why would he think that she was like that? She thought he would trust that she loved him, but obviously he thought that she was just being a slut and sleeping with him because she missed her ex. 

She walked into the kitchen, and was surprised to find Lauren sitting on one of the bar stools. "So, what happened?" Lauren asked.

"He told me he was just a rebound guy."

"Well is he?"

"NO!" Natalie shouted. "No he's not."

"Then why are you upset?"

"Because! How could he think something like that? Does he not trust that I love him?  I mean, for God's sake Lauren am I being crazy?"

"Yeah, kind of."

Natalie stood there shocked for a second before starting to cry. "You're right, I am. I just told the guy of my dreams to get out of my house for no reason at all really. I'm being ridiculous."

"Yeah", Lauren agreed. "You kind of are being a bit ridiculous."

"What should I do Lauren?"

"Well, I know he loves you. So I wo--"

"How do you know?" Natalie asked.

"He told me. Earlier this morning when you were sleeping he told me."

"Why? And what are you even doing here? I thought you were supposed to be in New Orleans visiting family or something."

"Doesn't matter. What matters is that you get to the airport and meet him there to give him a big kiss goodbye and tell him that you love him a lot."

Natalie looked at the time. It was 10 a.m. She had a few hours to eat and get ready, and then she would go to the airport and apologize for over-reacting. Then everything would be okay and they would be happy again. At least, that was the plan.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Am I an idiot?

As he walked out the door he regretted even thinking what he'd thought. He had to be an idiot to screw up like that. He decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator. He called a cab and as he sat alone waiting for the taxi, he started to wish that he'd taken the subway instead remembering he hated waiting for the taxi to get there. When it finally got there he got in and gave the driver Denny's address. 

Denny opened the door with a surprised look on his face when he got there. "What are you doing back here, man? I thought you were crashing with your lady friend?"

"She kicked me out."

"Aw man, I know the feeling. They freak out at you and then kick you out onto the streets. It sucks man."

"Did you pack my stuff already?"

"Naw man, I was just about to."

Alex sighed. "Don't worry about it, I'll just go do it."

"You sure man?"

"I've got nothing better to do."

Alex walked into the walk-in closet, and started folding up his clothes and putting them in his bag. He found the napkin that Natalie had written her number on after their first date, and he felt his heart drop and he felt a knot begin to form in his throat. He forced it away not wanting to cry, and he placed the napkin in his bag as well. 

He was unsure if when Natalie had kicked him out that meant that they were over, but he didn't want to call to try and find out. He was afraid of making the situation worse, but then again, he didn't have much time to try and fix the situation. He decided that if it was over she wouldn't try to contact him again, and if it wasn't, she would let him know somehow. 

After he packed his bag, he looked at the clock and realized it was 11:30. He called another cab, and waited once again. When the cab arrived, he asked to be taken to La Guardia Airport. He said goodbye to Denny who didn't seem to be too broken up about him leaving. After an hour of waiting in the cab, he finally arrived at the airport. As he got out and got his bag, he paid the taxi driver and got his ticket. He checked in his bag and got ready to go through the security when suddenly he heard a familiar voice shout, "ALEX!" He turned around thinking it was a dream, but instead was met by the reality of those bright blue eyes and her light brown hair. It was Natalie.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


She rushed to get to the airport in time. She had gotten stuck in the taxi and wasn't sure if she would make it in time to say goodbye to Alex. When she finally arrived, through the window of the airport she could see Alex checking in his bag. She paid the driver and ran as fast as she could. She saw Alex walking towards the security, and knowing that she couldn't catch up with him before he had gotten through security, she shouted for him.

He turned around and she saw him smile as she was running towards him. When she got close to him, she jumped into his arms wrapping her legs around him and he caught her. "I'm so sorry, Alex", she whispered.

"Never mind that, I'm just glad you're here. I love you, Natalie."

The crowd around them had smiled and clapped when she jumped into his arms. They kissed each other and suddenly the world was perfect again. He let her down slowly and kissed her forehead. "I'm going to miss you Mr. Baboon."

"I'm going to miss you too, Natalie."

"Promise me you'll write? And you'll Skype? And can you call?"

Alex laughed. "Yes, I can Skype, and I can call occasionally. And I will write you as often as possible."

"I love you, Alex." She felt a knot begin to form in her throat and her eyes began to water up.

"I love you too, Natalie."

They kissed one last time and with that Alex turned around and disappeared behind the security wall. When he disappeared she suddenly felt her heart drop, because she realized this could be the last time she ever saw him. He was going to Afghanistan, and she had no idea how scary that fact actually was until now.

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