Drama in Detroit

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So I was having a nice day with my cousins just chilln up in Detroit. And when all the sudden I  look over to my cousin...jaw makes a silly face at me I do it back and I was going out to chill with a few old friends (good people) I tell everyone I'll be home at 11 o'clock  tonight  after we were done hanging  out they all walk me home there's me a nother girl and 2 guys. They walk me up to the to my roo  I look at the time when I get in its 11:16. My cousin standing at the the door waiting for me while everyone  is at the dinning room eating. I hug them all bye and when I shut the door he grabs my ponytail  and  brings me to everyone else.
"I was worried  sick about you!  Your almost 20 minutes  late!"
"I'm fine!  There was an accident  on the road and the bus couldn't get through!" I say pissed off he's never like this!  I don't smell alcohol  on his breath! Why is he like this! He let's me go and I go to walk away
"Don't walk away from me!  I'm talking to you" my older cousin trying to calm him down. I take another step and he grabs my shoulder  and spins me around. Then slap!
I hold my cheek it stings from his slap...I stand there in shock  my older cousin  Travis  pinning him to the wall
"What the fuck is wrong with you Dolton! Hu?  Are you going to be just like dad one day!" I try to scream at him but no words come out. I feel a tear roll down  my cheek. My other older cousin Janice comes to comfort  me. I can't be here I walk out of the hotel and I don't stop. I find myself  in a Tim  Hortons. I sit there and think to myself.
When he came back from  Jersey he told me everything, how his  mother treated him like crap!  Even worse  his father beating him before. He promised  me how he would ever leave and he'd never hit me or hurt me...silly me. It's not his fault!  I was late coming  home and I walked away do it's my fault!?
These thoughts  blew around my head till it was 12am. The coffee shop was closing. I'm tired I guess I'll go back to the hotel. I walk quietly  into the room. Normally  everyone is asleep. Jack, Dj, dd, grace, Janice. Dolton isn't there but Travis was wide awake and as soon as I close the door he wipes around and looks at me. I hang up my jacket  and  take off my shoes. I look up at him. He hugs me and I feel safe again I sit up on the counter  and we wisper to each  other.
"He didn't mean it tay"
"How do you know"
"It's Dolton, he'd never want to hurt you! He loves you your like a sister to him.  He calls you his baby! Almost becuse he treats you like one"
"Why did he do it"
"Are father is driving us nuts. We are under alot of stress he loves you"
" walked away"
"It's know-" We hear Dolton walk in.
"Tay oh my god your safe" he went to come hug me. I turn away.
"Dol I thought you  were at a party?"
"I wanted to get a jacket" he walks out.

He came back an we made up the next day. We are ok now. But he's a good person and he's still a loving guy! I'd die  for that crazy mother fucker!
AngelaBremiller     still a good guy don't underestimate  that part of him!

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