dumb ass!

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So my older  cousin  Travis is dating this idiot! She didn't know Travis had a brother and two sisters!  And she's living with us up in Detroit. She's coming in and messing everything up! If Dolton isn't home when I'm going to bed I'll sleep next to Travis. Well she had work and she was going to go to her hotel room and not ours. So last night it's 3am I'm laying on my stomach  like always with Travis has his arm on my back. When all the sudden!
"YOU SLUT! WHOS  IN MY BED!" and she throws her 6 inch heal at me! I turn on the lamp fucking pissed off as ever! And I look at her!
"I'm the slut?" She tires to speak I'm not going to let her! I'm so pissed of! "Where were you! You got off of work at 10! It's 3am!" I wip  the shoe at her!
"It's not like that! I just that I'm not used to other girls in his bed."
"What if that was grace! You would have thrown a shoe at  her!?"
"I just don't trust him-" I cut her off right there "You don't trust him? Your right becuse he's not the one who cheated in him! Remember  when you cheated!? Yeah he still trusts you" Travis is just staring at me.
"I trust him. And your not  a slut! But I thought he had a nother girl in his bed!"
"Get out" I bluntly  say
"What the hell did you just say"
"Get...out!" I grit my teeth.
"Make me!" What is she 5? "Come on! Get me out of here" I stand up on the bed and pounce. Before I land Travis grabs me! Fuck really dude!
"Dolton!  DOLTON!" he comes in "get jess out before she kills her" trav says. He deserves  someone better than her! Someone who's not an idiot! She's fucking stupid!  I hate her wo much! She  throws stuff at me, not just this once! She'll throw sneakers, phones! Notebooks! You want t to know the best part! Two days ago she told me to get out! I was watching a movie and I was laying in Travis when she turns off the movie and says "Ok so you need to go. Like go home! Get out" is this bitch stupid! I love in Buffalo! This dumb ass was living with me there! I give up!

thanks for reading  have a good night! Bye!

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