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© Jojo B 2016

All rights including those in copyright in the content of this story are owned by Jojo B. It's Illegal to steal and/or copy.


*N.E.V* The Seven Deadly Simpson Brothers


(Picture is Landon)

Walking up and down my apartment, I tried to decide what to do. In the end I couldn't wait any longer and I put on my shoes and grabbed my coat. I walked briskly to Walter's house, no longer feeling lethargic or weak. It was probably all the adrenaline in me and the faint burn of Ario's kiss still on my lips. I reached the Simpson household in double time and knocked on the door loudly.

It was just my luck that Walter himself opened it.

He stood there and looked down at me with grazed and bruised face, seeming to grow angrier by the second. I opened my mouth to say something but he turned and walked back into the house, leaving me outside. I followed Walter in and found him taking his shoes off and dumping them in a pile under the stairs by the basement door. He was wearing his leather jacket too and looked like he had just been out.

    "Can I speak to you please?" I asked, my voice terribly quiet and catching in my throat.

    Walter continued to ignore me and I was starting to think that Landon had been lying when he said Walter didn't hate me.

"Was someone at the..." Gomez's voice dried out when he saw me standing by the stairs.

"Hi," I tried to smile.

"Hey," he replied, glancing between Walter who was still bent over kicking his shoes off and me who was feeling nervous as hell. "I think I'll leave you two to it."

Gomez disappeared upstairs and I turned to look at Walter who was standing up straight now.

"Walter," I said, trying to breathe properly as I looked right into his hazel eyes. "Please can we talk?"

He opened the basement door, "Down here."

I looked at him. He wouldn't hurt me, would he?

"My room's a mess and no one will hear us down here," Walter read my expression and explained in a deadpan voice.

"Okay," I said and headed down the stairs.

The basement was actually a lot bigger than it looked and it was stacked with a TV, bean bags, weights and a treadmill. Walter closed the door, drenching us in darkness before he turned on the light. I watched him descend the stairs, trying to figure out how I could put my feelings into words, but it seemed Walter had that already sorted though.

"Why were you with blue eyes?" he demanded immediately.

I was taken aback by his ferocity and looked at him wide-eyed, "W-who's blue eyes?"

Walter cursed under his breath, tugging hard at his hair.

"Ario Santiago," he spat with venom.

That's what they called him?

"When did you..." I was speechless.

"Just now!" Walter shouted, then lowered his tone when I flinched. "I was going to your house to see you when I saw him leaving the building. I chased him with my knife out of our turf. I didn't have a gun on me or I would have killed him, I swear."

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