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© Jojo B 2016

All rights including those in copyright in the content of this story are owned by Jojo B. It's Illegal to steal and/or copy.


*N.E.V* The Seven Deadly Simpson Brothers


(Picture is Landon)

I gently ran my fingers over the patch that covered Walter's cheek and he shivered a little bit as we lay down in the bed, facing each other.

"Does it hurt?" I asked him quietly.

He took my hand and kissed my knuckles, "Not much."

I leaned close to him and kissed him softly on the lips and Walter's hands found my waist and held me against him. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and I uttered an airy moan as I let him in. Walter's touch fired up my senses and left me gasping for air in seconds only to want more of it.

Walter groaned as he pulled away from me for air and I smiled at him, "Good thing we got our own room."

"Yeah," Walter half smiled with his good side. "After you invited Hayley, she must have thought you were going to share with her."

I giggled, "I'm sure she's doing just fine with Eli and the triplets, I can still hear them laughing in the next room."

Walter paused for a second and then nodded, "Me too."

"Do you think Eli and her would be good together?" I asked Walter with an excited smile.

He raised his eyebrows as if he'd never considered it before.

"I don't know," Walter replied, playing with my hand. "Eli with any girl is weird."

"Why?" I questioned him.

"Well, Eli's just Eli," Walter dismissed it.

"So? He can still find love," I smiled and Walter laughed darkly.

"If he doesn't drive the girl away first, that is," Walter responded. "He's hard to get along with."

"I kind of see what you mean," I said as I thought about Eli's bipolar attitude. "But at the same time he can be great to be with when he wants to be."

"I guess so," Walter mumbled. "I think he likes Hayley anyway, as a friend."

"I think it might be something more," I squealed.

"You mean you want it to be something more?" Walter smiled fondly at me.

I grinned back and then yawned, causing tears to rise to my eyes and I blinked them back tiredly.

"You're exhausted," Walter stroked my hair. "Sleep, Coral."

"But what are we going to do tomorrow?" I asked, putting my arms around him as I breathed him in.

"Hmm," Walter murmured, sending a soft hum through my chest. "Go to the town and look around, do some shopping if you want. We can go to the beach too, if it's not too cold."

"Yeah," I smiled into his chest. "We can go skinny dipping."

"Are you serious?" Walter started laughing and then stopped when he winced. "I bet you Landon would do it."

"Maybe I should ask him then?" I pulled back to look at him as I teased Walter sleepily.

"You'd rather see him naked than me?" he cocked an eyebrow at me.

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