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© Jojo B 2016

All rights including those in copyright in the content of this story are owned by Jojo B. It's Illegal to steal and/or copy.


*N.E.V* The Seven Deadly Simpson Brothers


(Picture is Walter)

It was around 5am when I heard the boys return from patrol. As I'd suspected, I hadn't been able to fully get to sleep, but instead I had been drifting in and out, worrying about Walter in my broken dreams.

Walter entered his room quietly, not turning on the light. He fumbled around in the darkness and I heard him start to remove his clothes. I didn't know he was topless until I felt him slide in the between the sheets next to me and his bare chest brushed my arm.

"Walter," I whispered. "Are you okay?"

"Coral," he sounded surprised. "I thought you were asleep. Yeah, I'm fine. Have you been up all night?"

"I couldn't sleep," I said, snuggling closer to him.

Walter put his arms around me, "I'm sorry I worried you so much."

I couldn't get over how warm Walter's skin was. It felt smooth but I knew it wasn't flawless, he had all sorts of scars littered all over his body. I rubbed my hand over his chest, right above where his heart was and I felt Walter shiver.

"Are you okay Coral?" Walter murmured.

"I'm okay now," I said, breathing him in. "Did you find any Santiagos?"

"Not tonight," Walter replied tiredly. "It was kind of boring actually. Fighting keeps me awake, but this time I was struggling to stop yawning, and Landon almost collapsed from fatigue. He sleeps late so that makes it worse I guess."

"What about Phoenix?" I found myself asking out of curiosity.

"Phoenix was fine. As usual," Walter replied bitterly. "He would never show that he was tired. He thinks of it as being weak."

"Weak?" I frowned. "It's normal."

"I know," Walter said, tightening his grip around me in anger. "But apparently he's too strong to appear remotely human. Let's just...not talk about him."

"Okay Walter," I kissed his neck. "You're tired, we both are."

"Yeah," I felt him smile. "Goodnight."


Walter was rubbing small circles into the back of my shoulder and I opened my eyes, sighing pleasantly. We had slept in fairly late and as it was Sunday morning, no one was in a rush. Walter, sensing my movements, opened his hazel eyes and he smiled at me.

"Morning beautiful."

I knew it was something lot's of guys said in lots of books and movies, but hearing it from Walter and having it directed at me, made it feel so much more special.

"Morning," I smiled warmly at him.

Now it was brighter, I could see up close all the marks on Walter's body. The first thing I noticed were the bruises from the snowball fight the day before.

"Wow," I said, gently touching one of the dark blue marks. "It looks so painful."

"Nah," Walter reassured me. "I've had much worse."

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