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© Jojo B 2016

All rights including those in copyright in the content of this story are owned by Jojo B. It's Illegal to steal and/or copy.


*N.E.V* The Seven Deadly Simpson Brothers


(Picture is Phoenix)

"There are several levels to the drug networking system," Phoenix said. "Those in the top level are members of South American drug cartels. They produce massive amounts of pure illegal substances and smuggle it out, usually into the US."

I knew I shouldn't have been surprised, but hearing it like this from phoenix (who I knew was being completely serious) made everything feel so much more real and so much more dangerous. It wasn't just what happened in movies, it was happening in real life too. Walter and his brothers were really criminals.

"Those in the second level," Phoenix went on, "are regional distributors and consist of people who are linked to the cartels, more often than not, by blood. They are in charge of distributing the product within large cities, both within the US and overseas. Understand?"

I nodded, aware that all the brothers were watching me closely, seeing my expression as I discovered more of their dirty truths. Walter still looked upset, but he didn't stop Phoenix, he knew I wanted to know it all.

"Those in the third level, known as top dealers – "

"That's us," Gomez sent me a grin.

Phoenix cast him a glare and continued, "Tend to cut their product with other substances and sell it in bulk to make greater profits. All three of these top levels run like businesses. They rarely ever use the product they sell and they insulate themselves from the authorities by using others to do the dirty work for them. Although we work slightly differently, but I'll come back to that."

"Okay," I said quietly.

"The fourth level, called mid-level dealers are individuals who have been in the drug world for some time and often sell to support their own addictions.  They again cut their product so they can make more profit, but as they are more visible they are easily caught out by the law."

"The fifth level, made of your average dealers, have usually made their way up from users to dealers so that they can support their addictions. The products they sell have been cut multiple times."

I immediately pictured scruffy looking people, walking the streets and slipping small packets into their buyers' hands in return for decent amounts of cash.

"Those in the sixth and last level are small-time dealers and also users who are held so tight by their addictions that they always need a fix and will cut their product with anything they can get away with. They will also tend to deal to anyone, just so they can support their own addictions. They are so deep in it, it's almost impossible to get themselves out of that lifestyle and they can very easily fall prey to the authorities."

"So you get the gist of it?" Landon sent me a smile.

"Yeah," I breathed. "I think so."

"So back to what makes us different from most other top dealers," Phoenix didn't take time to pause.

"The third level?" I tried to remember.

"Yes," he nodded and I realised that this was the most Phoenix had ever said to me, and he wasn't exactly angry at me either. "Instead of dealing to other dealers, we deal to legitimate businesses."

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