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© Jojo B 2016

All rights including those in copyright in the content of this story are owned by Jojo B. It's Illegal to steal and/or copy.


*N.E.V* The Seven Deadly Simpson Brothers


(Picture is Gio)

"Coral?" Walter asked me at lunch. "Are you working after school today?"

"No," I shook my head. "It's Friday today. How come?"

"No reason," Walter shrugged, giving me a smile. "I lose track of the days you work, that's all."

"Did you have any plans?" I smirked at him.

"Well," Walter said, dipping his head forwards. "I'm not going to give anything away."

"Good," I beamed. "Well in that case you can go shopping with me, maybe we can get Landon to drive us."

Walter hesitated, clearly having something else on his mind.

"Landon is busy this evening," he said. "Phoenix is too."

"Damn Walter," I threw a piece of lettuce at his arm. "You should really learn to drive."

"Yeah?" he cocked an eyebrow at me. "And what's your excuse not to?"


"Exactly," he grinned triumphantly. "Neither of us can be bothered."

I had nothing to say, he was right. My silence, along with my defeated face made Walter laugh loud.

"Aren't those the triplets?" I frowned when I noticed action outside behind him, "...and a dog?"

Walter turned around in his seat to see Gomez, Gio and Severn running across the school fields laughing as they got chased by the School Marshal and the Deputy Head. Gomez had a little dog in his arms which looking like it was enjoying the game of chase.

"What have they done now?" Eli muttered as he came to join our table with Hayley.

"Must be serious," Hayley craned her head so she could get a better look. "They've even got big man Steve running."

Big man Steve, or the Deputy Headmaster, was clearly struggling to keep up and the triplets kept splitting up and running in circles, dodging the much more agile School Marshal.

"I can tell they won't be coming to school after this for a while," Walter said, turning his back on them and getting back to his lunch.

Walter had been right.

The triplets all got expelled that very same day for the attempted theft of the Headmaster's dog, which had been in for the day, as well as for verbal abuse directed at senior members of staff. To be honest, the whole thing was too funny to be taken seriously. I knew the triplets wouldn't try to enrol in another school and it was a shame because they needed as much education as they could get at their age. The only thing that bothered Severn about it was not seeing the girl he liked as often anymore.

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