Chapter 1

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Emma on the side --------->

I walked out of the airport, my suitcase in hand and my goal in mind. This was it. This was going to be my year.

Now let me introduce myself. My name is Emma Olsen. I'm what most people would call a nerd. But I wouldn't call myself a nerd. I'm just smarter than other people. But since the only thing people see when they think of me is books, they never bothered getting to know me. And that, ladies and gentlemen is the main reason why I don't have any friends. Yes, I'm a nerdy loner.

But this year was going to be different. This was my senior year and soon my best year.

The summer breeze was gently scraping along my cheeks, blowing my wavey brown hair out of my face. I was standing outside an airport in Detroit, Michigan, waiting for my ride to come. I didn't know who was going to pick me up. I've actually never met the person. But the person who was picking me up, was the person I was going to stay with for a year.

You probably wonder why I was going to live in the same house with a person I don't know, well to be more exact, a family.

I'm 17 years old and from England. Now you wonder, 'What is a 17 years old girl from England doing in Michigan?'

You know when I told you I was a nerdy loner? Well I wanted a change. That's why I'm going to be a exchange student at Denby High.

A black SUV stopped in front of me. I was thinking about running away. That sounded a little bit weird. But a all the movies I've seen with a black SUV, the people in the car kidnaps the innocent girl. I have seen too many movies. It's really going to my head.

An elderly looking man stepped out of the car, heading towards me. Maybe it was just my paranoia, but I swear in that moment my heart leaped and my chest raised up and down, too fast for its own good. I really considered about running away.

The man was now standing in front of me, looking into my brown eyes with his grey ones. He held out his hand, a friendly smile attached on his face.

"Hello, my name is John Roberts, and you must be Emma Olsen, am I right?" He introduced himself, and that was when my mind came realisation. The man wasn't some kidnapper, he was the one picking me up, the one I was staying with.

He actually looked friendly, not that I wasn't expecting it. He had this big, bright smile on his face. Grey hair mixed in his dark brown, he looked like he was in his late forties or early fifties.

"Yes, that's me", I answered him, a polite smile plastered on my face.
"It's nice to meet you Mr. Roberts"

"Oh please! Call me John", he said, his smile never leaving his face.

He took my suitcase and put it in the trunk. I sat in the passanger sit, waiting for him to come.

When we were on the road he asked me about my life, but I was too busy with staring at the surroundings outside the window. Detroit was nothing like England.

It has these big buildings and skyscrapers, nothing I was used to. I was from a small town. I lived in a small house with my mom, my older brother and my granny. We also had a cat named Sassy.

The ride took over half an hour, and in the end we ended up outside a larger house fifteen minutes from the city.

It was a white two story house with green painted around the windows and on the door. It had a big garage which could fit two cars and a balcony on the second floor. It was a very cozy looking house.

"Come on in!", I heard Mr. Roberts, I mean John, yell from the front door. When did he go over there?
"My wife and son are in the living room, ready to meet you", John said, before leading me inside.

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