Chapter 19

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Ryder had really surprised me when he had said he wanted to go on a picnic in the park. He didn't seem like the type who would do that, but I found out soon that he had other plans in mind too.

Ryder and I had already eaten up the food and was just sitting on the blanket spread on the grass. In front of us there was a water that many went swimming in when it was summer. Since it was February and the air was still cold there were nobody there.

Ryder grabbed my hand and dragged me up with him. We went to his car parked close and he quickly gave me a plastic bag. He had his smirk on,  what ever it was I knew it couldn't be good.

"A bikini?" Inside the bag was a bright pink bikini. It still had the price tag on and it was even my size.

"Get changed. We're taking a swim." Ryder said and took off his shirt along with his pants.

I stared at him shocked. It was February! Was he completely out of his mind?!

"No way! I'm not taking a swim now!" I crossed my arms and looked at him seriously. He would not get me in the water.

"Do you want me to throw you in the water with your clothes on like last time?" He said, referring to the time we broke into the swimmingpool.

An idea came up. I went inside his car and locked all the doors. I laughed at him as I saw him standing outside, knowing that I had won and that he couldn't get me now.

The door opened and Ryder picked me up and started carrying me to the water.

"You do realise that it's my car and that I have keys for it?" He said amused as he looked at me with a big grin.

"Put me down now!" I started squirming my way out of his hold, but his grip was too strong. I knew that he was serious when he said he would throw me out with my clothes on.

"Fine! Fine! You win! I'll put on the bikini." He stopped walking and put me gently down. He was still grinning and I couldn't help but to smile back at him.

"But if I get sick, I will blame you forever." I said and started to walk to his car to change. "We can be sick together then." He said and laughed.

"Why am I even dating you." I murmured to myself. "Hey! I heard that!" 

We were standing on the small wooden dock ready to jump in. I was already freezing my arse off before we even had gotten in the water. I was sure my lips had turned blue from the cold, and my fingers and toes had no feelings left. 

Ryder grabbed my hand, looked me in the eyes and said, "You ready for this?" He ran to the end of the dock before I could answer. I was screaming until my throat felt sore and before I realized it my legs were off the ground. Seconds went by, but we hadn't touched the water yet. Ryder's laugh was loud and clear in my ears. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in his arms, and that he was holding me just above the water. 

"Oh my god please don't throw me out!" I fastened my grip on him and prayed that he wouldn't let me go. He was still laughing, and I was still panicking. 

"You really didn't think that we were actually going in, did you?" He was laughing so hard now. His bare chest vibrated with his dark laugh. I sent him an annoyed look. By the way he had acted I really believed that we were going to take a swim outside in the winter. 

He started to walk towards his car with me still in his arms. I didn't say anything, frankly because I was mad at him for making me panicked. Ryder opened the car door and sat me in. He found a blanket and wrapped it around me before going into the car as well.

"I'm sorry for messing with you like that." He said and wrapped his arms around me. "I would never force you to do anything angel, and besides we would probably have gotten hypothermia if we had taken a swim now." He kissed my cheek and snuggled up to me. 

We were in the backseat of his car. Our bare bodies touched under the blanket. I was looking directly into his blue eyes. He hadn't bother to style his hair today so a piece of it fell in front of his eyes. He was about to push it away, but my hand got to it before he could. 

My hand lived its own life, wandering down his face, neck and then to his muscled chest. Ryder leaned in closer to me, his left arm finding its way around my waist and  his right one touched my cheek. His face moved closer to mine until our lips touched. I could feel the urge in him as he deepened the kiss. His tongue was licking my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I took him in and leaned further into him. He dragged me closer to him, and suddenly I was on his lap straddling him. His soft lips moved to my neck, kissing me gently as he trailed kisses down to my shoulder. All of a sudden he stopped. He lifted me up and sat me down beside him. 

Oh god what did I do? Did I do something wrong? I wasn't experienced or anything but how hard could it actually be? (A/N pun intended if you know what I mean *smirks*)

"I want you so bad, but not like this and not until you're ready." It took me a moment to realize what he meant. Was I ready to lose my virginity? How would I know if I was ready or not? I just nodded and gave him a small peck on his cheek. He gave me my clothes, and we both got dressed in silence.


The music was playing softly in the background and the mood was a bit awkward a tense. Neither of us had said so much since we drove away from the park. I occupied myself with gazing outside the window. There wasn't much snow left, just small piles with dirty snow on the side of the road. I looked inside the small shops and buildings as we got into the city. All the christmas lights which had decorated the stores were long gone. Instead it was filled with pink and red hearts because of Valentine's Day which was coming up soon. Two days until to be more exact. 

I still hadn't gotten Ryder a Valentine's gift yet. I wasn't sure of what I was going to give. I had never given anyone a gift on that day. As a child I would always make a card for dad, and he would say that I was his little Valentine. That was the only time had given anyone anything. Nobody had ever aske me to be theirs on Valentine either so each had been alone. This year i had someone to call mine, and I didn't know what to do to make it special. I guess I wanted it to be special since it was my first time celebrating it with someone I liked. This was all new to me.

After roaming the streets with my eyes, my gaze stopped at a hooded guy. I could barely make out his face from the shadows that fell on him, but there was something familiar about him. Lights from a store hit his face.

"STOP THE CAR!" I yelled at Ryder. He was shocked and panicked by my outburst, but quickly parked by the sidewalk. I got out of the car and ran after the guy in the hood. It couldn't be who I thought it was. He couldn't be here. It was impossible! I saw him turn into an alley, and I followed him in. He quickly walked to a car and got in, in the back. Just before he closed the door completely  he turned my way and sent me a chilling smirk. 

Ryder had caught up to me and was looking at me panicked. 

"What was that all about?" He yelled. 

My blood had ran cold and my lips were trembling. Tears were starting to form as I looked him deep in the eyes and said, "It was Andrew. He's back."


So I know it's a bit short, but it just felt natural to stop it there. I will try to make the next update fast, but can't promise anything because I will probably be very busy with moving out to an apartment with my best friend. Also school is sadly starting up soon so I will focus a lot on schoolwork. But I will write as much as I can now before all that and hopefully have the next chapter up next week. Also thanks for being so patient with me! I love you all!

And just a quick question: Where are you guys from? Been wondering where my readers are from. 

Feel free to follow me on instagram or twitter: silje_jorgensen 

Also just send me a message whenever you want to because I love making new friends :) 

Until next time lovelies.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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