The Joker

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A/N: I'm hoping to post at least once a day but that will be a bit hard because of marching band and school so hang with me guys!

      JOKER'S POV: (didn't see that coming did ya)

     As soon as I left that torture room that Ashlynn was in I felt wrong. I only made it up a few stairs before I turned around, against my better judgment, and went to go get her. When I walked back in the room she didn't notice because she was about to pass out. I picked her up bridal style and began the journey up the stairs. 'She's light isn't she' a voice said. 'Joker why would you go back for her. She may be pretty but she isn't worth anything to you except a toy' another voice said. I pushed both of them out of my head for the time being and continued up the stairs.

    As much as I hate this room, it's the only spare. I walk into Harley's old room and lay Ashlynn down on the bed. 'She's very peaceful when she sleeps...' why am I thinking that. 'Snap out of it Joker. You're the merciless Clown Prince of Crime not some caring wimp' the voice was back. "Oh shut up all of you," I say as I hit myself in the head. I take one last glimpse and the girl on the bed and storm away, locking the door one my way out.

 As I walk down the hall I get some weird looks from a few of my goons. "What are you all looking at," I yell at them. They quickly turn away and continue with their business. I saw the fear in their eyes and immediately started laughing. I laugh all the way to my office and end up laughing hysterically so I couldn't get any work done. As I finally start to calm down probably a good 15 minutes later, I hear a knock at the door. "Who is it," I sing out loudly and intimidatingly, irritated that I had been interrupted. "U..Uh..sir....the girl....she's waking up." I ignore the goon and walk straight past him back to Harley's old room. I unlock the door and there sat Ashlynn on the floor holding one of Harley's knives.

"You better be planning to let me go Mistah J," Ashlynn says with an attitude. "Now now, why would I want to go and do that? You just got here doll," I say with my signature smirk. She leaps up and lunges at me with the knife. I lean just out of the way and turn on her. I pin her to the wall, take the knife, and whisper in her ear, "now, that wasn't very smart at all was it?" I slam her head into the wall no knock her out then I pick her up yet again and make my way back to the basement. 

It didn't take her as long to wake up this time. I think she's starting to get used to being knocked out. "Mistah J I'm sorry, please don't hurt me again. I'll be good," she says with a whimper. "Doll you have to learn your lesson." I walk over to my toys and pick out my favorite pistol. I walk over to Ashlynn and just stare at her. "Now darling, what will it be? The knee? Shin? Thigh? Or do you want it in the arm," I ask giving her the chance to decide. "You have 10 seconds my dear, 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...last chance," I say sweetly. "Oka-" I start to say. "Thigh," she screams. I smile and laugh a bit as I aim the gun and pull the trigger. She screams in agony and I actually feel a twinge of regret. 'Hm this hasn't happened in a while' 'NO Joker you can't go soft. Stop it'. I push the voices out yet again as i get out the first aid kit. I start to not so gently pull out the shrapnel from her leg and sew it up. I look up at her and she was crying...again. Can't this girl take any pain? "Please Mistah J...I...I'll be good....fro...from now o..on," she manages to say between sobs. "I believe you doll. Don't mess up again." I walk out of the room and this time I don't go back.  I'll send a goon to take her a bit of food later on tonight and, if I'm feeling generous, maybe a book or something. 

I walk into my bedroom and take out my knife set. I start cleaning them thinking about what I'll do with her now that I have her. "Hm...from now on she will be my little toy" I say with a slight giggle coming out. This should be real fun. I start to giggle until I full on laugh and then I start working on my plans.


I wake up still on the metal table Joker shot me on. The pain in my leg was almost unbearable. I really need to work on my pain tolerance. 'I wonder what Mistah J has planned for me' I think as I try to get loose. All of a sudden I hear a noise. It's coming from a window on the other side of the room. I see a man with a sack over his head trying to get in the window. He gestures for me to stay quiet and I realize that he is trying to help me. He gets trough the window and runs over to me with a knife. He cuts my restraints and helps me up. He hurries to the window motioning for me to follow and then notices the bullet wound. "Shit," I hear him  mumble. He picks me up and helps me through the window where more hands grab me. All of a sudden I'm thrown into a black van and I realized that I'm being kidnapped yet again...Today has been great.


Comment and tell me what you think of this chapter. A bigggg thank you to everyone who has kept reading and especially to Sinister_Shadows for helping me out a bit and commenting!

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