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 This one is gonna be a bit long and kind of sad guys. Hopefully you still enjoy it!

It had been about a week since Mistah J faked my death. I didn't ask for details or what went down after because I felt that it would be too much for me to handle. It hurt knowing that Emily thought I was dead. Joker had told me that there had been a faked funeral and that Emily had been there. I didn't want to know anything other than that. I had to move past this. What's done is done. I need to focus on beginning my new life with Mistah J. 

I was tiptoeing down to the kitchen to get a midnight snack cause ya know...why not? I saw J sitting in the living room with his head in his hands. The two of us had gotten closer in the past week and so I felt comfortable going up and talking to him. "Hey, Mistah J? You alright," I asked. He looked up at me with tired eyes. "I'm alright doll. Take a seat, lets talk," he says patting next to him on the couch. "I've been meaning to ask you about this for a while. I've heard you talk about someone named Miya...who is it doll," he says keeping his eyes on me. I take a deep breath. He isn't the only one with questions. "How about this Mistah J, you ask a question then I ask. We'll keep going until we both ask 5 questions. We have to both agree that we will answer anything and answer the questions honestly also if one of us can't answer anymore for any reason we have to stop the game. We can start with easy ones okay?" I say all this and he nods slowly. We start the game.

"What made you want to stay," J asks. "That's an easy one. I didn't want to risk going back to my old life and there being nothing left. I also thought that you and me could get along and work together. Seems like i was right," I say with a smile. "My turn," I say happily, "why did you kidnap me of all people?" He smiles, "I had been watching you for a bit. I liked the fire you had in you. I lost you at one point and couldn't seem to find your location though. It drove me mad. That's when I knew that the next time I saw you, I'd just take you." I stare at him in shock. He had been interested in me before. "Now," he said turning towards me and bouncing up and down a little, "who is Miya? You don't have to go into detail just who is it?" He looked at me hopefully as I looked down. "Miya...Miya was my twin sister," I say. Tears were starting to come to my eyes as I thought about her. I knew this question was coming but it was like a punch to the gut.

The Joker looked away. I knew the pain and sadness was obvious on my face. I just couldn't hold it in. After a few minutes of silence, I took my turn. "How did you find me," I ask J. "A guy named Jared told me where to find you. I guys you pissed him off pretty good."I start to laugh. I should've actually taken Jared's warning. He actually did call someone that was looking for me. "Well, I guess it's my turn again," the Joker says calmly, "this one may be hard but just know that I' for you I guess?" I stifle a smirk at J's attempt at being friendly. "What happened to Miya and your family," the Joker asks very warily. I had never told anyone about this but I knew it was time. I took a deep breath and began my story.

(This paragraph contains themes of self harm, suicide, and abuse)

"It all started when Miya and I were in the 10th grade. Our parents had begun to fight every day and took it out on me. Constantly I was beaten and hurt and began to give up. Both of my parents abused me mentally, physically, and emotionally. I began to self harm," I pull up my hoodie sleeve to shower J my scars. He looked at them with sadness in his eyes. " I attempted suicide twice but Miya always saved me. She told me that we could get through it. After the second attempt, which was near the end of 12th grade, she decided to take the pain from me. She diverted the beatings and abuse on to herself and wouldn't let me stop it. 2 weeks before graduation, before our freedom, My parents got in their worst argument yet. Miya tried to get them to stop arguing but instead they both turned on her. I heard her getting beaten and hurt and I could hear he crying, yet I just stayed in my room sobbing." By this point I was crying and Mistah J had wrapped an arm around me to try and comfort me. "I hard Miya run up the stairs and into the bathroom. She was yelling about how she couldn't take any of this anymore. After about 30 minutes she still hadn't come out of the bathroom. I went to go check on her and ended up having to pick the lock on the door. I walked in the room and saw my twin sister laying on the flood dead with an empty bottle of pills in her hand. All I could do was scream and cry. That was the night I ran away. I've always felt responsible for it. If I had checked on her sooner maybe she'd still be here. If I had tried to intervene in that beating maybe we would've graduated and been able to escape together. I'll never know..." I trail off as the tears start to come quicker and heavier. The Joker holds me as I cry into his chest.

After about 10 minutes J says, "Come now doll, That's enough for tonight," Mistah J says. He takes my hand and leads me back to his room and to the bed. He tucks me in and starts to leave. I call out, "Mistah J...please don't leave. Stay with me." He turns back and walks to the bed. "of course doll," he says as he climbs int the other side of the bed. I feel his arm wrap around me and pull me close to him as I fall into a troubled sleep filled with images of my parents and Miya.


So guys I hope you liked this chapter. I almost cried writing this myself. Some of this is very easy for me to relate to so this was a bit of a challenge. I also want all of you to know that if you EVER need to talk to me about anything just message me. I'll always be here for you guys. Anyways, Hopefully this helps the story move along and clears some things up for you guys. Goodnight everyone! Sleep well! 

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