Training..Sort of

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Hey guys. This chapter should be a lot better than last nights! Hope you enjoy


It had been about a couple days since Joker told me about what happened with Harley. I came to dislike her, not only for showing up whenever she wanted, but also because she hurt Mistah J. It has also been a few days since J decided to make us official. For some reason, this made me a whole lot happier than I thought it would. It's too early to call this love. I mean this isn't some Wattpad fan fiction where people fall in love in a week. Right now J and I just enjoy being around each other. All of this has been running through my mind as I walk to Mistah J's room, which I am now allowed to go to whenever I want. When I get to the room I see a note taped onto the door.

'Hey doll, at around 2 can you pleaseeeeee meet me at the bottom of the basement stairs? Thanks love!


'Oh...the basement...I really hope he isn't going to torture me.' I think this as I check the time, "1:59. Crap I don't want to be late," I say as I run off toward the stairs. J hasn't hurt me in any way since he started feeling something for me. I hope he doesn't decide to end that streak.

As I reach the bottom of the stairs I see Mistah J leaning against the wall waiting for me. "Oh doll, there you are! I was beginning to worry you hadn't seen my note," he says with a huge grin on his face. "Um, M-mistah J...what are we doing down here," I ask timidly. "I have a surprise for you doll," he says taking my hand and leading me down the hallway. We reach a room that say 'Do Not Enter'. As we walk through the door, I see guns, knives, and many other weapons lying on tables and hung on the walls. I look to the back of the room and I see 4 targets. J looks at me and says, "Pick your weapon. You might miss the first few times with any of these but don't worry, we'll get you all the skills you need." I look at him in disbelief. Not because he's asking me to use a weapon but because I realize that he doesn't know that I'm highly skilled in all of these weapons. I look at him and smirk, "Bet you I'll hit the bulls-eye on the first try with each of these weapons," I say with an innocent smile. "Ha, ok doll. If you somehow manage to do this, what will you get," he asks sarcastically. I think hard for a moment. "A pet. Any pet of my choice," I say matter of factly. He just laughs. "Ok doll, if I win," I see a dark lustful look come into his eye, "I get you." I stare at him dumbfounded. "Urm, okay I guess," I say as I walk up to get a knife. "Let's do this."

I pick up the knife I had chosen and flung it at the target. Bulls-eye. I turn around grinning from ear to ear while Joker looks absolutely astonished. "How..HOW DID YOU DO THAT," he practically yells. "Secret babe. Secret." I send him an innocent look and turn to grab a gun. I line it up to where I know I'll hit the bulls-eye perfectly and then look at Joker. "You," shot, "Should," shot, "Really," shot, "do more research," shot, "before you make bets," I finish as I turn around firing three more sots at the bulls-eye. Joker runs to the target and looks at the 7 shots that go straight into the middle of the bulls-eye. He looks at me with suspicion and then says, "lets go to the animal shelter then."

We get to the shelter and I immediately run to the cat area. I see a little black kitten and pick her up. She looks at me innocently and meows. "MISTAH J I WANT THIS ONE OH MY GOD IT'S SO CUTEEEEE,"(picture above) I squeal as I hug the kitten closer. He chuckles as he strides closer. I guess she is kinda adorable isn't she. I look at his and eyes are basically shooting out hearts. He recovers quickly though. "I mean...for an animal phffff. I guessss you can get this one," he says as he tries to play it off like he doesn't love the little bundle of fur I'm holding. I chuckle as we walk out to go buy the kitten.


'I can't believe you let her see that side of you' I scream at myself. That kitten was just so cute oh my goshhh. 'Stop it J. Be cool.' Geez...what's wrong with me. 'You're going soft that's whats wrong' the voice in my head says. 'Oh shut up. I'm having a good day' I tell it and it goes away. I chuckle at myself and look at Ash cuddling the kitten like we already bought it. I walk up to the lady at the front desk and she reaches for the phone. I decide to try a clam approach. "Um ma'am...excuse me but I'm not here to hurt you. I'm just trying to buy a kitten...for my girl. Please don't call the cops. Like I said, I'm not here to hurt you." She looks at me and back at the phone. She takes her hand away, charges us and we leave.

As we climb in the car, Ash looks at me. "Thank you," she says looking down at the kitten. I look over at her and something changes. Instead of seeing Ash, a random girl I became interested in and kidnapped, I see Ash, my world. 'Man..there really is something wrong with me,' I think. I start to laugh at my own foolishness. Not a real laugh. My psychotic laugh. It made me feel better. I drive out of the parking lot and into the night. When I look over at her, she was asleep.

When we get home I take her to my room and lay her on the bed along with the kitten who was purring in her arms. 'She looks so good today,' I think. Ripped black jeans, black converse, and a crop top that says 'I'm not lazy, I'm physically conservative'. I laugh at her sort of childlike humor, still not being able to believe that this girl was trained like an assassin. 'That was really impressive' I think as I take my purple button down shirt off and lay next to her. I wrap an arm around her and drift off to sleep.


Guys be sure to check out the Q&A before this chapter. I really want all of your input. Whether it's stuff about the stories, the characters, or me personally ask away! Anyways...Hope you all enjoyed! (also I may not be able to update tomorrow because I have a football game)

Guys go check out SSophied book. It's really good! Not a Joker fan fic but a great teen fiction!

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