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The day after J's return he was back to work. "Doll I'm going out with the goons today. I need to recruit some more of them." I wish he would stay but I know I can't change his mind, "Okay J be safe...please." His gaze softens as he looks at me, "Of course Ash," He says as he walks over and gives me a soft kiss, then he's gone and I'm home alone again. Midnight was growing really fast so she was almost a full sized cat. Even though she was almost grown she was as playful as ever. Jumping, clawing, and meowing at me. At this specific moment I was shining a laser pointer around the room and she was having at it. She was going nuts trying to catch it ad I was cracking up. I'd never seen anything like this. She was my first pet after all.

After we were done playing I laid down on the bed to rest. Soon after, Midnight was snuggled up next to me purring loudly as I stroked her back. I was tracing my scars when she perked up a bit. Walking over to my hand she seemed to look at my scars. After a few seconds of her examining them, she licked them. It tickled a lot. "You are one weird cat Midnight." She looked up at me and just meowed as if agreeing. I spent the rest of my day playing with my cat, tracing the scars, reading, and watching movies. That is, until J got home. Jackson ran up to my room looking very worried. "Ash you need to get out of the house tonight. Boss is drunk and when he gets drunk is when he gets mad. It's also the only time he hit Harley," He says all this hurriedly," I grab a drawstring bag and pack some necessities like clothes, toothbrush and my laser pointer. I grab Midnight and head out of the warehouse, sneaking my J who was laughing drunkenly on the couch.

Once I'm outside and walking the streets do I realize that I have no where to go. Everyone I knew thought I was dead. I keep walking and head towards a hotel. I feel like I'm being watched. Deciding not to screw around a turn around, "Whoever is stalking me needs to just go ahead and come out. I've already been kidnapped once in the past week. I'm not looking to do it again." A figure comes out of the shadows and at first I think someone is holding up a mirror. "Ash..." The figure says. "Miya," I say in shock, "Is that really you? I thought you were dead." She walks over to me crying. "I'm so sorry. I had to get out. It's a really long story that I'll explain if you come with me." I follow my twin to wherever she has been staying. 'I cant believe she's alive' I think as I walk. 'There was a funeral and everything.' we finally get to wherever we were going and Miya looks at me. "I'm sorry," Is all I heard before everything went black.


I wake up with a major headache. "What the hell. That was a weird ass dream," I say out loud. "It-it wasn't a dream Ash," Miya says as she comes out of the shadows. "I had to bring you to him. He was going to tell everyone I was alive. I'm so sorry," She says almost crying. "Miya how are you even alive," I ask confused. She launches into the story of how her doctor friend got her pills that would only make her seem dead. It's like the stuff Juliet took to make her seem dead. When she was taken to the morgue the doctor who "examined her" snuck her out and recommend a closed casket funeral. "I've been in hiding ever since," she finished. "Why didn't you find me sooner," I ask hurt. "I only just came back to Gotham yesterday," she explained.

We were interrupted by someone coming into the room. "What a touching reunion. Sisters together again at last," Two fave said clasping his hands together. "It almost brings a tear to my one eye," he says getting more hostile. "Why am I here Two face," I ask practically spitting the words out. "Oh I'm finally paying The Joker back. He killed my love so now I'm going to make him think I did the same except for there's a twist. You won't actually be dead!" He says this last part like a happy child. "The Joker will be in mourning while you are still alive and being tortured," he claps happily. All I can do is stare in horror. "Let's begin," Two Face says grabbing Miya.

All of us know what is about to happen and Miya begs to have 30 more minutes alone with me. Then she'll go quietly. I'm already crying knowing that the sister I just got back was about to actually die. "I'm so sorry Miya, this is my fault," I say sniffling. "No ash. It's mine. I got involved with Two Fave knowing good and well I'd probably end up dead. It's okay," she says. We sit and talk until Two fave comes in yet again. "Time's up girls," he says. I almost see a look of sadness in his eyes. Miya hugs me one last time and walks over to her death. "I'm sorry it had to be this way girls," Two face says. He takes his gun out and for the second time I see my twin dead. "I love you Ash," were Miya's last words. "I love you Miya," I whisper as her body falls to the ground after the loud BANG that signaled the gun shot. I go into hysterics. This is the second time I've seen her dead. She isn't coming back this time. I feel like dying myself then I think of J. 'Oh J...he's gonna think that I'm dead. Oh god' I think as I'm crying. I see two face walking towards me and he untied me. He walks me to another room that has one way mirrors. He's gonna force me to watch J find my, Miya's, body.

It was only a few minutes before J walks in the ware house. He finds the room where Miya's body is now tied to the chair. "Ash, no no no, Ashlynn you can't be dead," J says falling to the ground. Jackson and some other goon who I grew close with came in after them. They see Miya and all bow there heads. J gets up and goes insane. "FIND OUT WHO DID THIS. NOW. FIND THEM AND BRING THEM TO ME." He storms out of the room and I start screaming. "J I'M IN HERE J. JOKER. HELP I'M NOT DEAD I'M IN HERE. J!" The goons leave not hearing me and I realize these are sound proof walls. Two Face comes in and I turn and punch him. "I deserved that," he says, "come on. Let's go to your new home."

The End....

PLEASE READ vvvvvvvv
So guys...this is it. The last chapter of Who Are You. I hope you enjoyed this book. I know I'm awful for the ending. Do you guys want a sequel? Let me know it the comments!

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