Wonderful 2.0

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Today's heist went perfectly. My goons and I robbed a bank and ended up with a whole hell of a lot of cash. 'Ash will be so proud,' I think happily. 'No she won't. She won't even care,' a voice says."WHY MUST YOU DULL MY SPARKLE," I scream in my head. My goons all look back at me and are all trying not to laugh. 'Crap, I yelled that last part out loud din't I?' I ask the voices. 'Yeah ya did you dumb ass.' I stare at all goons one by one, "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT," I scream at them. They all turn around and shut up quickly. "Just drive," I say with a giggle. 'I can't wait to see my baby,' I think giggling. 'Hey, we're here too. If you could not think such lovey dovey thoughts thanks,' a voice says. I get into a mental battle about how it's my head and I'll think whatever I want to think. By the time I had one the battle with the voices we were home. I ran inside and yelled for my girl, "HONEY I'M HOMEEEE," I yell excitedly. I look at the counter and see one of my tracker injectors laying on the floor. 'Why is this out.' Then I see the note. I read it and I'm fuming. How dare Wonder Woman think she can take what's mine.

I go upstairs to do two things. First to go let Midnight out of the closet. Obviously this was Ash's number one priority considering she left two notes about it. Secondly I go get the tablet I use to look up all my trackers. I type in the number of the tracker that Ashlynn used and groan. I walk downstairs to my goons who were all reading the note. They had all become quite fond of Ash as I figured out when one of them asked, "We're gonna go get her right?" I start laughing. "Yes as soon as one of you goes to get my private jet. She's in Greece."


I'm woken up by the soft thud of the jet landing. "Where are we," I ask yawning. "Greece," replied Wondey. "Oh that's nice," I say before the words really sink in, "wait, WHAT! WHY ARE WE IN GREECE." She turned over her shoulder and sighed, "Okay this is going to sound really really weird."

All I got out of Wondey's insane speech was that I'm supposed to be Greece's new oracle since they hadn't found someone who was born with the ability to see the future. It was all some twisted Greek mythology that I didn't understand. "So, what you're telling me is that I'm supposed to sit around all day and tell people fortunes," I ask. Wonder Woman sighs, "In a very dumbed down way yes, that's what you're doing." I just shake my head and walk with her. "Joker will find me you know," I say quietly. "How in the world will he guess that you're in Greece," she said slightly laughing, "give up on that dream now young one." A small smile formed on my face thinking about my tracker, "I guess you're right Wondey. I guess you're right."


What do you guys think of all of this? I hope you like these slightly weird chapters! SOrry it took so long for the update.

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