What's Happening

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I don't know what happened. One second she's sitting on my bed telling me that she loved me the next she was gone out the door. All I had managed to say was that I didn't know what to say. I didn't have a chance to get out how long I had been waiting to hear that or how in love with her I am. Sure I had been waiting for it but she still caught me off guard. I could tell as soon as I responded to her that something snapped within her. I didn't know what but I was determined to find out. I was out of the door only a few seconds behind her and two of my goons that knew Ash were out a few seconds after me. We chased her through the streets of Gotham not caring who saw. I could tell Ash was crying and that she didn't know where she was or what was happening. She kept slamming her hands into the sides of her head and screaming "Get out" and I could only assume she meant the voices. Something clicked when I realized it was the voices inside her. 'It must be side effects of the chemicals. She must be going through the first stage when the voices intensify,' I think with the realization hitting my like a truck. 'Ah the good old days,' sighed a voice in my own head. 'Oh shut up not the time,' I think back as the voices start recounting memories of my time going through the chemical side effects.

I was too busy thinking to realize that my sweet Ash had collapsed in tears. She spread her hand out on the ground and yelled, "who are you." I stopped for a split second. We were too far away  for her to be able to hear us coming and none of us were talking. 'Weird,' I think as I continue forward. Ash tries to stand but crumples screaming in pain. I run even faster to get to her. Once I'm there I pick her up gently and check of injuries. She seems fine so I start back to the hideout. 

~Time Skip~


'That was one weird dream,' I think as I start to sit up. "How long was I out," I ask to myself. "Oh about two hours," a voice says beside me. Before I even look I know who it is. His voice so rough yet sweet at the same time it gives me butterflies. That's when I remember what happened before I ran. "J I won't make you put up with me any longer. I love you but apparently you don't feel the same. I'll leave the city and you'll never have to see me again," I say in a rush as I grab Midnight and head to the door. Before I can get one foot out, a pair of strong arms snake their way around my waist and pull me close. "You aren't going anywhere sweetheart. I just got you back. You're mine," The Joker says as he takes Midnight, locks the door and throws me on the bed. He climbs on top of me and pins me down. He kisses me with rough and raw passion and I know in that moment that he does love me. I realize that he honestly didn't know what to say because he couldn't put his love for me into words. I don't know how long we had been kissing for when I stop. "One of your goons is coming," I say slightly annoyed. "What? No one is coming Ash. Trust me," J growls pulling me back down and kissing my neck. Not one minute later there is a knock on the door. J looks at me in shock and goes to open the door. "What do you want," he says harshly. 

Apparently whatever the goon wanted wasn't important enough to get yelled at anymore so he just said "sorry sir, I'm just gonna," he couldn't finish because he had gone running. "Damn goons," J snarled. He turned to me and sat down next to me. "Now, how did you know one of the Goons was coming a whole minute before he came," J asked interested. "I felt him walking," I answered honestly, "I knew what was going to happen as soon as he knocked. I had a vision of some sort about the whole conversation." J just stared at me with his mouth hanging open. "Okay we have to test this doll. Write down what I'm going to say next." I did as I was told. After concentrating for a few second I saw an image of Mistah J looking very smug and saying, "You know it isn't nice to lie about important things like this Ash so if you're lying tell me now before we test this." Obviously I wrote that down and chuckled to myself. 'Oh he's gonna love this,' I think smirking. 

Then the scene I saw in my head played out. "You know it isn't nice to lie about important things like this Ash so if you're lying tell me now before we test this," Joker says looking very smug. I decide to play with him so I keep a completely straight face and just nod my head. Slowly I turn my paper around so that Mistah J can read what I had written just before he had said all of that. "Oh now this, this will be fun," J says giggling like a child as he looks at me like a new toy that he's in love with.

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