Just Another Day

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Hey, small a/n from now 20 year old author. I apologize for things I've missed while writing this story and eventually I will go into it and edit it as best I can(like I promised like 2 years ago). I'm really happy people have enjoyed this story though ^.^

Raven's p.o.v

I woke to my alarm and got up slowly, trying not to make alot of noise. I didn't want to wake my dad. I styled my hair in the usual cover the eye look, I put on my guyliner and clothes. I ran out as fast as I could. Putting on my head phones I turned on some Falling In Reverse and walked on to school.

I swear as soon as I got to school I was shoved against a locker. "Hey emo faggot!" I rolled my eyes.

"Like I haven't heard that before."

That just got me pushed harder against the locker and they left. Luckly my school actually puts restrictions on the bullying. Not much but something. I brushed myself off and walked off toward my class.

I, then, almost got tackled. I growled under my breath, who the fuck?! I turned around and saw my best friend. Blade Rae. The hyperactive stoner... "Dude! That guy was being a dick wasn't he?!" He giggled.

Obviously, he hadn't gotten stoned yet... "yeah usually..." he looked at me, once again, super excited.

"Dude, guess what?" He asked, "there is a new student and he is hot!" Blade is homoflexable and a little boy crazy. It's not a secret he had a crush on me when we first met. Hell, he tried kissing me when we were twelve. I want to be a lip virgin forever. Why shouldn't I? Love gets you hurt.

We stepped into our first class of the day, algebra one. And yes, we're freshmen. Just so you know. I sat down in the back with Blade and put my headphones back in, only to get yelled at by Mr. Scott. Of couse he'd notice. I took out a marker and doodled on my arm to pass the time, just quotes and logos. About halfway through class this kid walks through the door, he had shaggy crimson hair and a green jacket which was rolled up like mine. I did a double take though when I noticed his arm had the exact same quotes and logos as mine. Oh shit, no. I quickly rolled my sleeves down and started paying attention.

"Class, we have a new student. Now, could you introduce yourself, please?"

The kid grinned widely. "Hey guys! I'm Adrian!" Mr. Scott nodded toward the seat in the front and Adrian sat down. Not even ten minutes later he took out a monster energy drink and started drinking it. No wonder he's so hyper. I completely stopped listening to my teacher and watched him...my supposible soulmate. He took out a pen and started doodling on his arm and I rolled up my sleeve and watched the lines appear on my arm. Detailed flowers appeared on my arm, like they did almost everyday. I guess this isn't a mistake...he looked at his other arm and smiled widely. He started doodling on the other arm and I looked, he wrote a couple words, "thank you for the logo's I love those bands." I rolled my eyes. I don't usually doodle on my arm so when I do, he usually thanks me for whatever I did.

"...and there is going to be a test next week. I expect you to study, all of you." I looked around for a minute in my backpack for a pen and paper. Forgetting the boy across the room I wrote the information on my hand and threw the pen back in my bag. I looked over at Blade and noticed he was staring at Adrian all googly eyed. I couldn't help but feel jealousy fill me, but why? I don't even know the kid...

Time skip to lunch

I sat down next to Blade as usual at our two person table. Blade had snuck out the last period so he was stoned. "Dude, did you see the kid in first...? He was hot. I guess they were right." I glared at him, "what?"


He gave me a look, "I know it's not 'nothing'."

"Okay fine! I just noticed some symbols on his arm..."

"What? Like Satanist symbols?"

"No...just bands...and quotes..."

His eyes widened, "you mean the kind you were drawing during class?!"

"Shut up," I hissed. "Yes, okay?"

He started full out fangirling. "You found your one and only! Omigod!!"

"Yeah right, you think I believe in that junk."

He rolled his eyes, but shut up and started eating. I didn't get any food. I know I should but finding that...boy, I'm just not hungry. I looked down and expected my nails and looked down at my hands, test next week math class. I all but ran to the bathroom and washed it off. That was a dead give away to who I am. I can't let him know...ever.

I sat back down and put my head in my hands. How am I supposed to deal with this?


I quietly walked into my living room, no luck.

"Son you home?!" I heard him slurring his words already.

I cringed internally, "yeah dad."

"Get your ass in here right the fuck now!"

I walked into the kitchen slowly. And looked at my father. His once shinning blond hair was now lined in grey, I touched my black and red hair, thats the color it used to be. But mom had the same color...I couldn't keep it, it was another reminder. He held a new bottle in his hand and was already drunk out of his mind. "Where were you? Why weren't you here? You know you really are a worthless child. You're the reason your mom left me. She couldn't take you anymore, thats the real reason she killed herself. How could you do that to me?"

I cringed, but knew that he's just drunk and didn't mean it. I'll be putting him to bed in an hour, cleaning the bottles that litter the ground. In the morning, if he's awake and not hung over, he'll apologize...like he always does.

I'm only 15 why is this up to me to do?



Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter! Leave a like and a comment, just letting you know this is my first boy x boy so please give me some input so I can improve. Don't be a silent reader!!


Hey...Uh, future me here again after going ahead and editing this...Dear past me, I get you were like 16(?) But have you ever heard of a damn comma?? Also, how cliche can you get? Abusive dad and a dead mom...Original.

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