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Ravens p.o.v

During the past couple weeks Thena and I got closer and it literally started with us asking each other about Adrian... Okay her asking about my supposed soulmate. Anyway basically we're now friends.

I was sitting in the cafeteria eating with Thena when I noticed Adrian and Blade.

Okay I notice them like every day...but ya' know...this time it was different.

They were hugging and suddenly Adrian smashed his mouth on Blades and kissed him.

He kissed him.

I felt my face turn red. That's my soulmate. I shook my head at my own thoughts, wasn't I trying to get rid of him? Okay maybe I was but maybe I was wrong... I turned and ran out the door with Thena right behind me.

"Hey you okay?"

I shrugged uselessly. "Raven you have to talk." I glared and shook my head 'no' "fine...I'll leave you alone for a while."

I thought and thought and before I knew it lunch was over. I couldn't look at Adrian. I also couldn't skip again. Fuck my life. I got up and went through the rest of my day.


At home dad wasn't there so I was left with my thoughts... Great...

I couldn't help it. My anger was getting the best of me...I grabbed a thick black marker...


Do I do it? Will he hate me...?

Blade Rae  is not your soulmate.

I did it. I did it. But no words appeared that night. Dad didn't come back. I was alone.

I was tried.

I brought out an old friend.


I covered my arms with bracelets and walked out. My walk usually took about half an hour but today it seemed to take hours. Blades gonna be pissed...yeah no shit. I shook my head and turned up FIR.

Yeah, the walk didn't actually take hours. I got to school.

First thing I noticed was Blade walking up to Adrian with his usual smirk. Adrian pulled up his sleeve and showed him the marks. Then the yelling started...

"Are you really my soulmate?!"

"Yes, duh"

"Prove it"


He got tired of waiting and took blades arm and drew a line then checked his arm. His head went down and I could see him trying not to cry.

He ran off and I started to follow. "Hey faggot!" I winced at the word.

"You really had to ruin it didn't you?"

"Its not right, lying to him."


In a quieter voice he whispered, "I would have treated him better then you ever would have." He glared daggers at me.

I shrugged and started walking again. I have to check and make sure Adrian's okay. Blade grabbed my shoulder and I felt a sudden pressure and then pain.

Bitch punched me!

I glared back but kept walking. "Yeah go be his hero you asshole"

I kept running, looking for him when I heard whimpers coming from a closet. I carefully opened the door and sat down beside the crying figure. It was pitch black besides for the crack under the door.

I put my arms around him and rested my head on his. "W-who is this...?"

I put my lips close to his ear and in a low, not my voice, voice I replied, "I'm your soulmate." My lips went from his ear to his lips and I kissed him.

I felt sparks. So much life. His arms moved around me as he kissed me right back. He felt it too. His hand found my face but I stopped him. I broke the kiss. "I can't..."

In a desperate voice he said "why not?! I want you. I want you so bad..."

"You can't love me...I'm nothing."

And with that I ran out and down the hall into a bathroom. My make up was a mess due to my new tears, my lips were swollen due to the kissing. I wiped my eyes and redid my make up.  Now to pretend nothing happened.

I chuckled to myself.

I fucked up didn't I?


Okay so I won't be able to update often because of my mental issues but here's a chapter. Sorry for it taking so long. And for it being so short. Anyway I hope you liked it and if you did like and comment

Don't be a silent reader


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