Hiding Out

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Raven's p.o.v

I put my father to bed and picked up the bottles. Ten tonight. I sighed and threw four of them in the trash and went to pick up more. As I reached down, I notice some writting appearing on my hand, are you in Mr. Scott first period? My eyes widened at that and a million thoughts ran through my head. Number one, why is he so determined to find me? I grabbed the pen off the kitchen table and wrote that same question, what appeared on my arm was you're my one and only, and I've wanted to find you for a long time.

But what if your "one and only" doesn't believe in soulmates?

What if I could make you believe?

I ran my fingers through my black hair. Great.

I've dealt with pain for to long, I'd rather not deal with anymore.

Do you know who I am?

I pause, unsure if I should admit it. yes

Why didn't you say anything?

I don't want to deal with the pain.

I growled under my breath. Did I just admit that? Why I don't know or trust this boy.

I won't hurt you...just give me a chance.

I don't want to get close.

Okay! Use the arm thing. The inky soulmate thing!

I rolled my eyes. Of course he's desperate.

Fine. I know I'm going to regret this.


Yay! Okay ttyl!!

I looked at my arms, both now covered in words. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. While the water was warming up I wiped off my guyliner and got undressed. Once I got in, I started rubbing soap on my arms, washing off the words, the promises I made. I washed my hair then just stayed in there thinking. How was I going to deal with this...


I woke up and, got dressed. Today the theme is red. A red and black jacket, red skinnies, and black converse. I walked down stairs slowly. As soon as I got down my dad confronted me, suprisingly, without any bottles.

"Hey, um I'm sorry...about yesterday... I said things I shouldn't have and...I was being stupid. I hope you can forgive me."

I sighed and said I would forgive him, like I always do. He makes empty promises not to drink anymore, or on a good day he promises to try not to drink anymore.

Today was a good day

I ran out the door and felt my eyes burn with tears that I couldn't let out. I know it is stupid, but hell, I've only been dealing with this for a year or two. I never kept count. It only makes it hurt more.

Arriving at school I avoided everyone and made my way to class. I took out a notebook and journaled, I drew angels and flowers, like the ones that appear on my arms every morning. Adrian stepped into the class and looked around with a hopeful look. He's looking for you, a voice in my head said. I shook my head and ignored it. Adrian's gaze came to me and I quickly looked down...

Maybe he'd ignore me.

No such luck..."hey, I'm Adrian!" I closed my notebook and looked up.


"So I'm solving a little mystery. Have you seen any symbols like this on anyones arm?"

He held out his arm and I saw the same symbols I had been sketching in my book. I shook my head no and put my head back down. "So why the long sleeves? Are you hiding anything under them?"

The emo kid with long sleeves fill you with determination...

I smirked at my own joke. "Whats so funny? What are you hiding? Are you my mystery person? Do you cut or something?"

I frowned at the last one. I used to, I'm clean and all but hell...I still have bad scars..."so you do!"

I decided that this was my best bet. "Yeah..."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. Wanna be friends?"

Something in his gaze, be it his sparkling green eyes, or the pure innocence in it I said, "sure..."

I looked behind him and saw a smirking Blade. "So you guys making out yet?"

"Blade, what are you talking about?" I gave him my sweetest "shut the fuck up" look.

"Oh, I just think you guys would be a super cute couple!" He said, taking a hint.

"Hey, Adrian, why don't you sit back here with us?"

Adrians wide smile returned and he wordlessly sat down beside me...bitch I never said beside me. I rolled my eyes and leaned back.

He brought out a sharpie and started drawing on his arm, I leaned over to see better and he gave me a shy smile. "It's a stupid habit, but hell my soulmate hasn't complained about them..." maybe that's because I like them...

"You have talent. It looks cool."

"Thanks," he blushed and shyly smiled. I looked over at Blade and saw him smirking. I glared at him. Nothing is going on between us. I am just being friendly...right?

The bell finally rang, singling the begining of class. "Okay class, put your homework on your desk and get started on your warmup." He started going from desk to desk, collecting papers.

I looked up at the board. 20=5x-5, easy...I put down the answer and sat back once again. Mr. Scott came by, checked my answer and grabbed my homework. He looked at my rolled down sleeves and gave me a look. "Mr. Smith, please stay after class, I would like to talk to you in private." I nodded okay, and watched him walk away. I rolled my eyes at Blade and took out a sketch book and started sketching a boy. And then another...as I started to realized what I was drawing I slammed my book shut. No, no, no, nope, much nope.

"Hey? Can I look at your sketchbook?" Adrian whispered. I shook my head no and he didn't push.

Class was over soon after that, and I made my way to Scotts desk. "Raven...I noticed that you're wearing long sleeves again...and I am aware of your home life. Are you self-harming again?"

I knew that if I went along with my little lie I'd go back to rehab..."no, sir."

"Can you show me? Just so I can be sure?"

I hesitated. Crap, crap, crap, I guess I have too... I looked around and rolled up my sleeve. A note was on my arm...

Mystery Person,

So, I met a new friend. He's pretty cool. And kinda cute, you may know him. He's in our first period, his name is Raven Smith. He's shy. I think...who knows?

See ya,

Adrian Evans.

I smiled abut and looked at the rest. Totally forgetting the fact that my teacher is right there. And he wants to see my arm...I felt a hand gently take my wrist and Mr. Scott looked at the drawings and the note. "So, your soulmate is the new kid?"



Sorry had to have a cliffhanger. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it, if you did leave a like and comment. Don't be a silent reader

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