I found him!

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Adrians p.o.v

I walked into algebra and noticed two wierd things, one Blade and Raven switched spots, two Blade was acting wierd...

I gave Blade a wierd look and looked at the jacket he was wearing. His sleeves were rolled up and the symbols that decorate my arm were on him...hes my soulmate.

My eyes widened at it and he blushed and started to pull down his sleeves, "oh, um, thats nothing..."

"So you're my soulmate?"

"Yeah...I guess I wasn't thinking and you caught me..."

I felt a mixture of feelings, one of which was dread, but I pushed those aside and hugged him. He is my soulmate after all.

Mr. Scott walked in and started class, "Okay class. Today we're getting into groups of three or four to study for the test next week!" He yelled.

Me and Blade started pulling our desks closer to Raven. While we were I caught his eye and he winked at me, I started to giggle like a school girl.

"You know Adrian you are the hottest guy in this school."

I giggled again,"well you're hotter." He grabbed my hand and started rubbing it with this thumb.

"Hey guy? Shouldn't we get to work?"

Both of our heads snapped up, mine turning red with embarassment. "yeah, yeah, whatever. If its so important to you why don't you do it by yourself." Said Blade. I turned to him as he just glared at Raven.

Ravens eyes filled with tears and he left. I felt something like anger towards Blade, but why would I? He is my soulmate. My perfect lover, my other half. I'm not supposed to get mad at him. I walked Raven run out of the class room with all his stuff. Scott looked over at us, "what is wrong with him?"

Blade shrugged and turned back towards me. "Whats wrong?" He asked as he searched my face, "you look worried..."

I looked him in the eyes and tilted my head a bit, "why'd you say that...we could have started working."

Blade kissed my cheek gently and started rubbing my hand again, "he was just jealous, hes been waiting for his own soulmate. He was wishing you were the one."

My uneasiness didn't go away at his words but I put on a smile to make it seem like it had, "okay, this was all because of a crush then?"

He smiled and brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it. My mind wasn't on that though, "should I go talk to him?"

Blades eyes widened and his face flushed red a bit. "No!" I flinched back, his face softened. "I mean, no..." His tone softened but the harshness was still there. I shrugged and looked down.

The door opened and Scott and Raven walked in. I didn't even noticed Scott leave. Raven looked over at us and started talking to Scott, Scott put his hands on his hips and shook his head no, Ravens head dropped and Scott put a hand on his shoulder. Raven walked over and sat down. His eyes were red and puffy as if he had been crying.

I didn't know what to say so I buried my head into Blades neck and tried to forget the world. I couldn't help but hear the head hitting the desk, followed by light sniffles. What I didn't see was Blade smirking at the crying figure.


By lunch I was expecting Raven to get over it but when me and Thena sat down he wasn't there. Suddenly I was pulled into Blades lap, "hello cutie." I blushed and giggled a bit, the swarm of butterflies making me forget Raven for the time being.

"Hey!" Blade bit his lip seductively. It didn't turn me on. Isn't it supposed to? I pushed the thoughts aside, maybe I'm just not ready for sex. I kissed his forehead and he giggled in return. Thenas face was getting redder and redder.

Thena suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me up and away, "why are you hugging and kissing on him?!"

"Well, he is my soulmate."

She started wringing her hands. "Hes an asshole! An amazing, cute asshole!"

"What do you mean?"

"I'd rather not. I mean you knew I liked him...that makes you no better."


"Don't you think you would have realized it by now you idiot?! Blade is terrible at hiding shit and keeping secrets!"

"Whatever you're just jealous!"

She turned towards me and got in my face, brown eyes blazing, "maybe I am. But at least I'm not stupid. I can see through lies...you just go along with them."

I walked away. That was it. I heard sniffles behind me and even though it hurt I didn't turn around. Even if she is my best friend.

I sat down by Blade and put my head in my hands. Was everyone jealous of us in someway? I made (well me and Blade) made two of my friends cry. The only friends I've made! "Baby, whats wrong?" I looked up at Blades honest face and hugged him tightly.

"Everyone is mad at us. Why? What did we do. I waited for you for so long amd now that we're together its like the entire world is against us."

"Well, you believe I'm your soulmate right?" I nodded yes, "then we will get through it. I nodded again even though I wasn't as sure anymore.

I got up and walked to the library, maybe it was time I started reading that stupid series. I searched the shelves until I found it, Harry Potter and The philosophors Stone(sorry for any mis spellings) maybe this will keep my mind off of it...at least for now. I checked out the book just as the bell rang and ran too class. Luckily I didn't have class with any of my friends...or my boyfriend, so I can maybe think this through.

If that helps at all...


Omigod i am so sorry this one kinda sucked...and sorry for making Blade out to be an asshole. I wasnt planning on that when i started writting this... sorry fof being gone i will try to get back on schedual soon anyway i hope you liked it, if you did leave a like and comment. Dont be a silent reader!


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