First Day Of School!

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Adrian's p.o.v

I looked at my new schedule and sighed, this is going to be a long, long day. And first period is math, ugh. I walked down stairs to eat breakfast with my dads. Yes, two dads. Who said soulmates were always opposite gender? I was lucky, I was adopted, so I was chosen. I sat at my usual spot where there was a plate with bacon, eggs, and a cup of coffee.

Coffee, the necter of the gods...

I took my first drink and it brought my mood up. "So daddy," my dad Fred looked over. He was the more feminine of the two so I call him daddy. He got mad when I tried calling him mom..."are you driving me to school today? Or am I riding the bus? Oh, maybe I can meet some new friends on the bus. I don't know which should we do? This coffee is really good by the way. Oh, and so is the bacon!"

"Haha, maybe we should limit the coffee. And yes I am driving you to school."

Dad, Ted, laughed at the coffee comment. "So, are you excited for your first day of school?"

I nodded quickly my mouth stuffed with eggs. I looked at the clock and swallowed quickly. "I gotta go get dressed!" I ran up stairs and threw open my closet and grabbed my Set It Off(future me changing it cuz Dahvie is gross) shirt and green jacket. Not that they'll ever see the shirt. I never take the jacket off...I grabbed some black skinny jeans and got them on. I brushed my hair a bit and ran out.

"Daddy, I'm ready!"

He laughed and got in the car.

At school almost no one payed attention to me besides for a couple girls. I shook my head at them, this may be stupid but I'm waiting for my one and only. I checked my arm, in hopes that there'd be a doodle, but no luck. They almost never doodle, but it's always on my arm.

It was halfway through first period when I got into my first class, Algebra one, Mr. Scott. I stepped in and Scott stopped the class. "Class we have a new student. Now could you introduce yourself please?"

I grinned widely. "Hey, I'm Adrian!" Satisfied, Scott nodded at a seat in the front and I sat down. But within not even ten minutes I got bored. I took one of the Monsters out of my bag and opened it. It popped open and fizzed. I tilted my head back and took a long drink. If either of my dads knew about this, they would kill me. They say I'm hyper enough without the energy drinks. I took out a couple pens and started sketching some flowers onto my arms, after I finished five I looked at my arm to start drawing on it, only to notice some quotes and logos. There was a FIR logo, BVB, PTV, and my favorite, SIO. Sadly there was a MIW personally I'm not a fan of them but me and my soulmate are different people. We can't like the same things. I took my pen and wrote thank you for the logos, I love these bands! I was grinning like an idiot. I vagely heard the teacher say there was going to be a test next week. I stopped listening, I know that if I prepare I panic, then fail.

The bell rang and I had three more flowers, and an angel on my arm. I walked to my next class and sat down. It was English with Mr. Lupin.

"Hello Adrian, welcome to English 9. Just so you know, I was lucky to have this last name," he giggled a bit. "Have you read the Harry Potter series?" I shook my head and he continued, "well I'm sure you've seen at least one movie. Remus Lupin is my favorite teacher in the series. He was the proffessor of Defence Against The Dark Arts, and I think I mostly liked him because he and I shared a last name. So please call me Professor Lupin."(Past me...why...You nerd)

I smiled up at him. "Yes professor!"

"Ah, I'd hate to say you seem like a Hufflepuff. Anyway you should read the series." I had no idea what he was talking about. Hufflepuff? Looks like I got stuck with a nerd of a teacher. I will have to try the series though. I sighed and slid down in my seat as the  bell rang singling the beginning of class.

"Okay class, we are continuing on with Romeo And Juliet(letting you know if you have not lived through the horror of 9th grade yet, most classes read it as far as I know.) Please turn in your books to page, 340."

I love the idea of Romeo and Juliet but I don't believe they were anything close to soulmates. More just stupid children...

As I opened my book I noticed writting on my hand. Test next week in Alegebra 1, Scott. I sucked in a breath. They're in this my math class...I grinned even wider and felt my heart flip. Maybe they know. And were just to shy. Oh, so much for focusing this period...

At lunch I sat down alone and unpacked my lunch. This girl walked over and sat down. She had emo cut hair, it was blue and green. It reminded me of the ocean. "Hey! My name is Thena Calypso. What's yours?"

"Adrian Evans."

"Nice to meet you!"

Suddenly we heard yelling from a couple tables over. It was so quick and the other person sushed them so quickly I couldn't catch what had been said. I did, however notice the look Thena was giving the boy with blueish hair. A look of pure longing. "You like him don't you..."

She looked at me, "yeah, I guess..."

I put my hand on her shoulder. She shook off the sad face and smiled back at me. "So can I have your phone number? So we can hang out after school?"

"Yeah, here. Give me your phone and I'll put it in" I held out my hand. She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and handed it to me. I couldn't help but look at her arms as she held it out. White lines scattered them. She noticed me looking and just shrugged.

"I was stupid last year. Thought this was the way."

I nodded my understanding and put my number in under the name "King of the sloths 💚🕶" she took her phone back and laughed at the name.

First day, I find out I'm going to school with my soulmate and I found a best friend.

And to think I'm only 15.



Welp this is my second chapter I hope you liked it. If you did like it leave a like and a comment. Don't be a silent reader!!


Dear past me, I hate you so much right now.

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