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Ravens p.o.v

I walked out of Scotts class with a red face. Why do so many people know about soulmates?! I sighed, folded up my excuse slip and walked out the back doors and sat on the ground behind the school. I took out a marker, wrote Adrian a note.

What is wrong with me? Love isn't real. Why am I still playing this game?

Blade came out and sat down with me like he always does, "hey Raven, whats up?"

"Not much..."

"Why did Scott wanna keep you after?"

"He noticed that I was wearing long sleeves and wanted to make sure I wasn't cutting again..."

He turned to look at me better, "so he knows? Like about you and Adrian?"

I glared at him,"what about me and Adrian?"

"Well, you guys being soulmates and such..."

"Soulmates don't exist." I don't know why I was getting to angry but he was pissing me off.

"Try telling Adrian that. Hell, if you don't want him I'll take him."

"Yeah try it. He only wants his soulmate..."

Blade looked into the distance thoughtfully, then smiled widely. "What are you thinking?"

"Oh, nothing..."

I was curious but kept quiet.

Soon class was over and we got up and made our way to our next classes. Him, English, me, PE. I got in the locker room and got dressed.

Before I knew it, it was lunch time. I sat down with Blade, only to notice that he had invited Adrian and Thena. Great. I glared at him. He was staring at Adrians arm like as if he were thinking.

But hes stoned...hes stupid when hes stoned...

I gave him a questioning glance, he waved it off and I just ate my tiny lunch.

"Hey Raven can I spend the night tonight?"

"Uh, I guess...? Why?" He hates my house.

"I wanted to do something different for a change."

I shrugged and continued my lunch.


Blade and I stepped through my door and I was greeted by my drunk father. "Why'd you bring your faggot friend?"

I grabbed Blades hand and pulled him through, up to my bedroom. "Ugh, sorry about that."

"Its fine bro."

I smirked at him and plopped down on my bed, "so do you want to watch a movie?"


"Sweeney Todd?" Its my favorite movie.

"Nah, that movie sucks. I mean really? Lets watch something scary..."

While he looked through my movies I looked down and bit my lip. It may be a stupid movie but hell, is it bad I know every fucking song in it?

"Okay fine then..."

He gave me a smug look and grabbed Batman Returns. I rolled my eyes.

Don't get me wrong I like Batman I guess...I just wanted to watch something else.

Okay so maybe I just don't like DC. Okay? Marvel is way better. "Raven?"

I snapped out of my thoughts, "hm?"

"You zonked out!" He giggled.

I gave him the finger and drew on my arm for a while, angels and flowers, hearts and arrows...why did I want to draw these?

I put down the marker and tried to pay attention.

Yeah, I ended up falling asleep...


I woke up to the Harry Potter theme that I have on my phone. Judge all you want I love Harry Potter...

"Hey, shut that shit off. I wanna sleep."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Blade you have to get up eventually!"

He pulled the blanket down, revealing one eye, "who says?"

"Me and the school system."

"Fine." He got up and started getting some jeans on over his boxers. I noticed he was wearing my jacket though.

"Why are you wearing my jacket?"

He looked up with wide eyes, "oh, um, it was cold last night and I wanted to borrow it for today..." I looked at him and nodded, though I didn't feel that was the whole story. I got up anyway and started getting dressed myself.

Today the theme is...purple. I grabbed my lavender pants and black top, a black and purple jacket and...my black converse.

I went to the bathroom and styled my hair and put on my guyliner. Usual style. Usual day.

I quickly and quietly walked down the stairs amd checked for my father, lucky for us he wasn't there. I checked the driveway and noticed he car wasn't there either. God were me and Blade lucky.

Just then Blade finally decided to come down the stairs, "hello, is your dad gone?" He asked quietly. I nodded yes and grabbed my backpack. I was about halfway down the driveway when Blade came running out, "what the hell man? Why'd ya leave me?"

I shrugged and smirked at him, "you were being slow." He gave a huff but laughed abit.

~~~~~~~yes I know I am skipping alot.

We got in class and of all things Blade took my spot. I gave him a wierd look and sat in his. Adrian came in and I felt my face heat up abit.

Adrians eyes widened when he saw Blade. Or more Blades arm. I looked over at Blades rolled up sleeves, they were covered in the same symbols I had on my arms. What was he doing?

Blade fake blushed and started rolling down his sleeves. "Oh, um thats nothing!" He had that just slightly fake perky voice you get when you wanna be caught. Wierd enough only I caught it.

"So, you're my soulmate?" Adrian said happily.

"Yeah...I guess I wasn't thinking and you caught me..."

Adrian jumped up and gave him a huge hug. Something flared in me, my face became red and I was getting pissed. "Okay class. Today we're getting into groups of three or four to study for the test next week!" Scott yelled as he came in.

Adrian and Blade started moving their desks closer to mine and instead of working they were flirting. "Hey guys? Shouldn't we be working?"

Blade glared at me, "yeah, yeah, whatever. If its so important to you why don't you do it by yourself."

Tears started to cloud my vision, so maybe I wanted the soulmate issue to die down but it didn't mean I wanted to be left out entirely. I got up and walked out. Not even Scott noticed. I all but ran to the bathroom and hid in a stall.

Tears ran down my face. As I wallowed in self pity one thought seemed to stay in my head. That is supposed to be me. But why? I didn't even want a soulmate. Why am I getting jealous? Why does everyone leave me?




Hello, just letting you guys know I am looking for a better cover for this story, so if you either have an idea or you want to make one leave a comment or message me. Anyway if you liked this chapter leave a like and comment. Don't me a silent reader!!


We're Soulmates?! (Boyxboy)[UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now