Chapter.47.Happy Halloween Part 5.<3

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Those moments where you have no idea what to do.

I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Lucas dangerously glares at his cousin, who is staring at me. Clearly he's expecting me to say something, but I just don't know what he's wanting me to say right now. So let's start with the basics, "Charlie do you have the key to the spare bedroom?"

Nodding he pulls it out of his pocket with a greedy smile, his body has nothing on Lucas'. Snap out of it! Focus Matthews! Sighing and reaching out for the key, he jerks it away. A strong arm wraps around my waist, thank God it's Lucas. "You have to –"Hiccup, "Kiss me to get the key."

Oh good Lord. Placing my hands on my boyfriend's chest, I prevent him from pouncing on his cousin. His heated gaze remains on his cousin, turning around slowly and making sure Lucas understands to not attack, I stare into a pair of cerulean orbs. "Charlie-

"You're wearing his clothes."

I nod my head and can't help the smile. "Yes, he's my boyfriend. Can I have the key please? We don't want our friends drinking and driving Charlie."

I don't know how but he falls to the ground, I'm pretty sure he was just standing there not a few seconds ago. Did he trip on solid and flat ground? I glance at Charlie, and he makes no effort to get up off the ground. "Riley." He groans before covering his face.

Lucas bends down and swipes the key out of his hold, "Go back in the room sweetheart, lock the door so he can't get in. I'll go give the key to Josh."

Immediately my brows furrow, "Lucas we can't just leave him on the ground. He's drunk and clearly needs to go to bed." My tense shoulders fall, "You go find Josh or Maya and I'll take Charlie to his room."

"Nope." His eyes hold an intensity practically daring me to challenge him.

Challenge accepted, stepping towards him and puffing my chest out he can't help but laugh at me. I'm sure if roles were reversed I'd laugh at myself as well. "Lucas Gabriel." I warn, "Would you rather me go downstairs looking like this to find Josh?"

His meadow like orbs trail down my frame, lingering on my legs. "No. But I would really rather you not help my cousin who just said you had to kiss him to get this key."

"Riley's so pretty."

His jaw clenches, clearly debating on if he wants to pummel Charlie or adhere to my wishes. I'm hoping he's learned his lesson with Bentley. "He won't even remember what he's saying." I reassure him.

"I can take care of the key and Charlie."

Jutting out my lip, he starts to shake his head. "The sooner we get this done the sooner we can lay in your bed." He arches his brow at my statement, I'm not as incompetent as he may think. I like to think of myself as independent, and I want to help. "The sooner I can kiss you." His tongue subconsciously swipes across his lips. "The sooner I can hide from the scary move in your chest." I offer up and now I know I got him.

Leaning over Charlie's fallen form, he presses his lips against mine. "Down that hall, second bedroom on the left. If he tries to kiss you –

"I can't punch him." I quip and hold up my cast. "He won't but I'll shout for you, okay?" He frowns, and simply nods before leaning down and hovering over Charlie.

"Listen to me Charlie, she's going to help you to bed. If you touch her, kiss her or say something she doesn't like I will break you. If something happens to her while she's under your watch, I will personally ensure, you won't have children." Slapping his cheek twice playfully, he stands up and gives me a final and wary look before sauntering away. Mental note to reprimand him for stealing my 'castration' idea, that and you know for threatening Charlie. They need to get along, they're family.

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