Chapter 2

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"I hate him!" I snapped, pacing back and forth in my room as Calum kicked back in my bed, cuddling with one of my many panda stuffed animals.

"What now?" Cal rolled over to look at me, accidentally rolling on the panda and squishing it.

"Its been twelve years! The big 1, 2" I complained, falling down onto my bed next to him & snatching the panda, "I just don't know why he's still upset".

"Well have you tried talking to him about it?" Cal asked, folding his hands down on his tummy & looking up at my ceiling that was covered in plastic glow in the dark stars.

"Well, no but-"
"Then how do you know he's still mad?" Calum cut me off. He had a good point, I haven't actually tried to talk to him in twelve years. Maybe now's a good time.

"Ugh, why are boys so complicated" I bury my face in the stuffed animal, lowkey trying to suffocate myself. Calum pulls it away and throws it on the floor.

"C'mon" he says, sitting up & offering me his hand. I sigh and take it, climbing out of bed and following him downstairs.

"Where are we going" I whine as he hands me my keys and saying goodbye to my mom.

"Michael's house, I'm hungry" he drags me out the door & down the block to Michael's, he only lived 6 doors down but when you don't feel like walking it feels like 2 miles.

I walk into Mike's house and crash down onto his couch, again, trying to suffocate myself with the throw pillows. Calum pulls it out from under me & my face hits the leather of the couch.

"What's wrong with her?" Ash ask, I look over to see Ash in a reclining chair & Maddie sitting on the arm, her legs spread across his to the other side of the chair & her head resting on his shoulder.

"You two make me sick" I pull together enough energy to look up at them and mutter out. I gain a laugh from the other side of the room, I turn to see Luke looking over at me with a slight smile that slowly fades as we make eye contact, he looks down awkwardly.

"Move" Calum says harshly but with a hint of joking in his voice. I roll around so I'm laying on my back & sit up straight. Calum sits down where my head was and I immediately lay my head on his lap.

Michael decides to, instead of interrupt the weird cuddle fest going on, join it. He sat next to Luke on the small loveseat.

We all watched a movie silently like this for the rest of the night until it hit 12 o'clock, everyone's curfew on a school night.

Since Calum lived next door, he walked me home, Luke slept over Michael's and Ash slept over Maddie's. When we got outside my door Calum hugged me, wrapping his arms around my head and pretending to cry.

"Shh shh it's gonna be okay" he said, rocking me back and forth. I laughed but in all honestly I could barely breathe living in Calum's cologne filled shirt. I guess he noticed and let go.

"Calum can you stay over?" I asked in a low voice, I knew if I slept alone I wouldn't sleep at all and I'd drown in my own thoughts. Calum knew that too, so we asked my mom to call Joy as we tiredly walked up the steps.

I collapsed down onto my bed and rolled over next to the wall, sighing. Calum came over and laid down on his stomach next to me.

"Do you really wanna be friends with him that bad?" he asked, wrapping his arms around one of my pillows. I nodded, even though we were 5 last time we talked, I miss him.

"I'm sure you'll be okay" Calum sighed, I covered my face with my hands and nodded.

"Calum cuddle with me" I whined and turned to my side, opening my arms for him to come in between them. He smiled and moved over closer, resting his chin on the top of my head, my face buried in his shirt until we both fell asleep.


I woke up to my phone ringing in my ear, I picked it up and shut off my alarm. It was 6am and we had to get ready for school.

I opened my eyes fully & stared at the blank wall in front of me, trying not to fall back asleep. I grabbed Calum's arm and pushed it off me. He groaned as I hit him with a pillow to wake up, telling me that he doesn't need school, I rolled him over until he fell out of the bed & onto the carpet.

I laughed and got up to get changed for school, throwing clothes that Cal had left here from the last time on top of his almost lifeless body & leaving the room.

I went downstairs after I changed and saw Cal sitting in my kitchen.

"That's my cereal" I narrowed my eyes at him as he ate my Cheerios. He smiled.

"They're mine now" he reached behind him & grabbed another bowl, I sat down in front of him and ate breakfast until Michael knocked on the front door.

I lived at the very end of the block so when Ash drove us to school, everyone would wait outside my house until Ash got here.

Cal & I rushed out the door, Michael handing him his bookbag, just as Ashton & Maddie pulled up.

Madison's POV

School was over and Ash drove everyone home except for me, he decided we should go get ice cream. I giggled but agreed.

After we got our ice cream Ash got a call from Luke. He told him that he needed to come to band practice.

"Shit baby I'm sorry, I forgot" Ashton sighed as he put his phone back in his pocket. I knew he felt bad so I hugged him, my arms wrapped around his neck, tippy toeing to kiss him.

Ashton dropped me off at Angela's house just as Calum was leaving, I pushed him out of my way playfully, he stumbled out of the way laughing & drove off to Luke's house.

"Why are you here" Angela asked with a joking disgust in her voice.

"Because we're going to a party tonight and you need to look hot as fuck"

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