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•You thought that he doesn't care about you anymore, so you decided to just leave but he does and tells you that he loves you.

A/N: Hello sweets!  This one is requested by dapunnyspider ~~ hope you guys love it and please enjoy.  Comment down if you want to request imagines with out beloved Joker. 
-this one might contain swear words,  I'm warning ya-

'I had enough.' You thought as you closed your eyes tightly,  taking a deep breathe.  Your mind was occupied on thinking why he's ignoring you for a month now,  you didn't even do anything to make him act like this towards you.  It looks like he doesn't even care about me anymore. 

'Am I useless to him now? ' you asked yourself,  started to think about negative stuffs on the situation. 
'Should I talk to him about this?  Or...  No' you turned your glanced at him,  he was... well as usual.  Trying to locate the Batman's hideout,  lucky for Batman.  All of Joker's attention was all over him,  while me here waiting for him to notice me. 
'Alright here goes nothing'. Taking another deep breathe as you tightly gripped on your purple skirt that he gave you on your birthday. 
You stood up from the couch that you've been sitting for minutes on his office and making your way towards his table slowly. 

"If what you're going to say is useless,  leave me alone Y/N.  I'm pretty busy today" He started,  noticing that you were walking up towards his direction.
"B-but I just wanted t- "

"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE" he yelled, looking at you with full of anger and annoyance in his eyes. 

"Fine!  I just wanted your attention and I guess asking for it was just a waste of time!  You're always batman there,  Batman here blah blah blah! I'm so done J.  It hurts to feel." You stopped by your sentence as you started to feel the tears were slowly forming into your eyes.  You wiped them off before they fall into your cheeks.  "I'm leaving" you added,  with sadness into your tone. 

Hearing those words causes the joker to stopped of what he was doing,  he looked up to you in shocked.  He felt like he just got stabbed hearing you say those words.  He froze, as he watched you walked out of his office. 

As for you,  you ran towards your room.  Grabbing the suitcase you found under your bed,  using it to stuffed your things on it.  You can't believe you have said those words to him,  you weren't the type of person like that.  Ever since Harley left him (A/N: just pretend okay?  Harley won't ever leave her beloved puddin')  you promised to yourself that you won't be like her.  He needed your love,  he needed you presence and existence, you were the one who put a real smile on his,  you were the one who made him realized everything he haven't realise... But does he really needed me right now? 

"Y/N" You heard him said,  his voice wasn't the usual tone.  This one was full of surprised and sadness into it. 
"Are you really leaving me? " he asked,  which you didn't bother to answer as you continue packing your stuffs. 
"Do you know why I was ignoring you for the whole month?...  I was actually planning for your birthday. I wasn't really locating Batman's hideout.  That blueprint you spotted that I was reading earlier?  Was just a cover,  under it,  it was a piece of paper.  A paper that contains all of my plans on your birthday. " Hearing him say this makes you feel guilty,  as you stopped by what were you doing and turning towards his directions.  You knew deeply into his heart that he was still as soft hearted person. 

"I'm really sorry,  I didn't mean that to happened.  Y/N I love you,  and you mean the whole world to me,  hearing you say that you're leaving me is ... Killing me physically and emotionally." He walked up to you hugging you tight and closer to his.  Hugging you like there's no tomorrow and like he doesn't want to get off leash. 

"I'm really sorry too J,  I should have-"

"Shh dollface,  it's not your fault.  Shut up and kiss me"

You laughed at his sentence as you kissed him softly and he did the same.  The both of you spend the whole night cuddling and pulling pranks on each other in a good way. 

A/N: I put a little bit of twist to the plot that you gave me but j hope you still like this. 

Just wait patiently,  thank you sweets! 

It's really late from where I am right now,  so goodnight guys!  I promise to post the part two tomorrow.  (*¯︶¯*)

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