Who is that!!

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Aphmau's P.O.V

So it's 2.30pm I need to do my hair and a little bit of make-up.

I put my hair in a high pony-tail and curl the tips of my hair, I put on a belly shirt (my belly showing, I'm very skinny)  I put on jean shorts and some black high heels, I also put on foundation and mascara and lipstick on. It took 1 hour to do the whole proses, so it's 3.35pm I have an hour left.

I went to the maid cafe to see Kawaii Chan running to every single costumer and Kaytlen trying to keep up with everyones food and drinks cause they are the only ones who could work. 'Hi Kawaii Chan, Hi Kaytlen' They said 'Hi Aphmau we are a bit busy' I said 'Thats ok i'm going to Aarons house, thought I'd let you girls know' They replied 'do't do anything bad/be safe'

Then I left.

Kawaii Chan and Kaytle's P.O.V

'We hope Aaron dosen't get all touchy feely with Aphmau' said Kaytlen, then Kawaii Chan says 'Well I don't mind it just means my ship of them is working, next will be you and Travis or Dante and Nicole, or Garroth and Ivy or' 'Just stop Kawaii Chan, Please'

Aphmau's PO.V

I arrived at Aarons house and it is 4.55pm and I see him with another girl. I ring the doorbell and he pushes her to his room so I walk away, he answers the door and goes 'Aphmau glad you made it, why are you leaving?' I say 'I'm leaving cause I saw you with another girl.' He says in a nervous look 'Thats my sister Lucy she is in my room getting her stuf we have to quickly drop her off at the airport.' 'Fine your off the hook' I meet Lucy and we get to know eachother then Lucy asks what the time was so I said the time is 5.25pm. Aaron comes and says 'OK Lusy time to go' so she leave they ask if I want to come I say 'No thanks but it was nice to meet you.' She said bye, I said bye and she and Aaron left. I have a look in his bedroom and see a note (I'm looking to see if he was lying to me) and the note says

'To my dearest Aaron,

Thanks for the amazing night last night I was so glad to see my baby bro again after 2 years. Anyways you are the best I wish the best of luck for you to win the footy match you were planning for Aphmau I think thats her name, Anyway have fun I hope to see you soon.

from big sis xoxo'

I got emotional and wiped my tears and cleaned up the mascara the was all over my face, I put the note back and got back on the couch and got a text from Aaron.

A- Aphmau                       Aa- Aaron

Aa- I'm on my way home.

A- ok how far are you.

Aa- 8-10 minutes away at least.

A- Ok see you soon. Bye.

Aa- Bye

*End of text*

I can't wait for him to come home.

Thanks for reading!

Love you!

Read more but it gets sexual in the next chapter.

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