He's back

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Aphmau's P.O.V
Aaron walks through the door I run up to him and jump on him and kissed him he didn't pull away he kissed me back.

Aaron's P.O.V
I walk through the door and Aphmau runs up to me and kisses me I didn't pull away cause I knew she had a love for me since high school. So then I put her on the couch and she stops and says "I'm bringing our friendship to the next level." I'm so confused.

Aphmau's P.O.V
So I say to Aaron that I think we should bring our friendship to the next level. And he looked so confused, so I took him to his room and it is like 6.00pm we order a large pepperoni pizza. Then he takes off his red jacket and his black jeans with just his boxers on and I took off my shirt and and my jean shorts so just my panties no bra.

Aaron's P.O.V
I'm still confused on what is going on all I see is Aphmau on the phone ordering a pizza and then she starts to take off her clothes so I started to, then when we were partly naked, I know what was going on, now I understand what she meant by in our friendship to the next level.' So yeah.

I love you all

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