The next day!

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Aphmau's P.O.V.
So it's the next day I'm still naked and I see Aaron got his boxers on a went down stairs so I put on my bra and top and my panties and I went down stairs. I saw Aaron cooking pancakes in the shape of ice cream. (Like the photo below)

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Aaron's P.O.V.
I see Aphmau Coming down stairs and I say "your awake " and she was still half asleep and when she saw the plate of pancakes she was running like she already ate them.

Aphmau's P.O.V.
So I saw pancakes and went crazy and after 5 minutes I just sat and ate the most yummiest pancakes *better then my mum, sorry mum* 2 hours later Aaron had to leave to go to work and I was crying, and I had nothing to do so I went to the park and could not wait until 5.00pm cause Aaron will come home, yay.

Aaron's P.O.V.
So Aph finished eating her pancakes I had to get ready for work then I left and she was crying saying 'don't leave me babe'

Sorry it is short but I'm really busy doing school work and all these tests and assignments coming and there are 5-6 weeks left maybe more, don't know.

Love you all!

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