Chapter 8

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A/N: I can't believe I haven't updated in a month (A MONTH WITHOUT UPLOADING HE COMES BACK WITH A TAG-). If you need to, skim over the past couple chapters as a recap - I needed to 😂. I had to delete wattpad for a while and then my mental health got really bad but I promise more frequent updates :) (damn I'm worse than Dan at uploading)

Once I saw what I knew was Dan, none of it mattered. It didn't matter that this was my chance to leave a good impression on the Lesters, that I was in the middle of a dance with Phil, that there wasn't even any confirmation it was him, that I could blow his cover and both of us could end up in deep trouble. I needed to see him.

I murmur a quick 'excuse me' to Phil, and run off before he can protest. I dodge in and out of various partygoers, almost spilling a few drinks as I sprint in the direction of where I had seen a flash of his deep brown irises. As a result of wearing heels, I can't go too fast, and I trip frequently, but I carry on, eyes now darting around the room to find him.

After a minute or so I see him again in front of me, and when we maintain eye contact for a few seconds, he runs off again, confusing me more. Why would he make sure I see him and then keep leaving? Maybe he doesn't know I recognised him in his mask. Unless... He's trying to lead me somewhere. I confide in the latter theory and pursue him, as he stops every few minutes to check in still following him, confirming what I thought.

The House Of Lester is huge, but after a while of weaving in-between guests and waiters I end up in the gardens, and I finally finish following him as he ducks down behind a bush.

'Dan?' I whisper, almost walking past the bush he's sat against, before I feel a hand latch onto my wrist and pull me down.

I try to catch my breath and, as I sit there panting, he takes his mask off and I see I was correct, and that this game of cat-and-mouse was all worth it. It's my Dan.

"Kira, I-"
"No, Dan, let me speak first. What are you doing here? One second we're kissing in an alley, the next you're telling me in a note we may never see each other again?! You can't play with someone's feelings like that. I mean, I'm happy that you're here but don't do that to me... please." I say, trying to decide what I feel. Anger? Happiness? Exasperation? I don't know.

"I'm so sorry Kira," he begins, pulling me into an unexpected hug. "I really did think I was never going to see you but... I couldn't help it. I needed to. You're not the type of girl you can kiss and get over, okay? Every time I'd try and get something done my mind would subconsciously be screaming your name and telling me to go after you and... Once I knew there was this huge event and even the chance of you being here... I had to try."

"But you're risking everything! Dan, if someone sees you, you could be arrested! I don't want that, I'm not worth it, you need to go," I say, and it pains me with every syllable. I look away from him but find myself looking back up into his eyes as he's culled my face in his hands, our faces so close I can feel him breathe.

"Don't you ever say you're not worth it," he whispers before our lips connect, and I find myself reliving everything from the moment we met. I feel the excitement of the risk, the security of having his jacket around me, the spark when I spotted him in the crowd.

Before I can melt away into the feeling of him, we're broken apart by the ringing of my phone.
"Shit, I'm sorry, one sec," I say, picking it up to hear Ciara's voice.
"Dude, I don't know where you are are but Phil's acting like a lonely puppy and your mum is slowly becoming livid. You either need to get back here rapid or think of something." She explains, and I start to panic.

"Oh god, she's gonna kill me. Uh.. I know! Just tell her I'm on my period or something. You know, with my white dress, so I had to run off? I don't know, just cover for me. Please." I say, and I see Dan's expression cloud with concern at the worry in my voice.

"Okay, I think she'll buy it. Just don't be too long, she might go looking for you. Safe,"
"Safe." I finish, before ending the call with a sigh and relaxing back into Dan's arms.

"What was that?" He asks, casually easing into the subject while beginning to twirl a strand of my hair around his finger.

"All I can say is, who knows how I've ended up making out with a most-wanted behind a shrub instead of waltzing with my mother's choice of Phillip Lester," I sigh and explain, and I feel Dan tense up. "...what is it?" I ask.

"D-do you mean to say that your parents - and the Lesters - are trying to set you up with their eldest son?..." He asks.

"Yes," I clarify, wondering whatever could have caused the hesitation in his voice.

"Does that mean... your family is close with the Lesters?..." He asks again, the tone of his voice suggesting the piecing together of something in his mind.

"Well, yeah, I guess. Lady Lester treats me like her daughter, my mother her sister. We're as close to the Lesters as you can get."

"...And I'm sure you know of the feud?"

"Of course I do, but why all these questions?"

"Oh, sweetheart, what've we done?..." He begins, mainly speaking to himself softly but then turning towards me.

"The main reason I'm wearing this mask isn't because it's a masquerade, not even because I'm 'wanted', but because, darling, we're in the House Of Lester... and I'm the son of Lord and Lady Howell."

The Criminal's Eyes - Daniel HowellWhere stories live. Discover now