Chapter 13

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The next day, I'm awoken by a small, Hispanic woman. As my eyes adjust to the light, I'm slightly confused at the unfamiliar surroundings, but then remember where I am. The woman has a trolley behind her, which I can see is piled with various different breakfast foods, and she makes sure to keep her voice down.

"Miss Kira! Wake up," she says, nudging me softly and beaming when she sees my eyes open.

"Master Lester has requested you at the tennis courts in forty minutes, hurry, you must eat!" She semi-whispers, her accent light, and I find it cute at how much care she is taking not to wake Ciara. Phil likes to play tennis? Assuming she meant Phil by 'Master Lester' - the only other person that could be is Derek, and it would be extremely peculiar for him to request my presence.

She insists on serving me practically everything there, but I thank her and settle with a slice of toast. As I'm about to usher her out, her face lights up as if remembering something she's forgotten. "Oh, Miss Kira! I almost forget! Master has given you a gift," she smiles, leaning down to the bottom of the trolley and pulling out a smallish box, giggling like a schoolgirl as she places it on the end of my bed and hurries out the room.

I groan to myself, and turn to the alarm clock next to me, wondering what time it is and why I'm so tired. 7:20. Are you kidding?! If there's two things I don't like its sports and early mornings. I know Phil means well but he's just combined the two.

I feel like sinking back into the soft pillows, but then I remember the time. Have to be there by eight. I take a few bites of the toast before throwing it, I know it's a waste but if I eat before playing I might just throw up.

Remembering the curious 'gift' from Phil, I lean across to the end of the bed and grab the box, pulling it towards me. When it's in my lap I lift up the lid to find a white visor, crop top, skirt and shoes - tennis gear. Great.

After changing, I examine myself in the full-length mirror attached to the door of the walk-in wardrobe. There's a million things wrong. The skirt is way too short, even for me. I'm not a nun, but I do have boundaries. And skirts that seem more like underwear cross those boundaries. In addition, the crop top is so tight it's almost see through, and personally I prefer not to wear things without sleeves.

I pull up the socks as far as they'll go, wondering if I could be any further out of my comfort zone. How am I supposed to play tennis in this? I'd be too focused on the clothes rather than the game, not to mention flashing every second. Considering the latter point, I decide to put on some white shorts under the skirt, just to be on the safe side.

I tighten my ponytail and pull it through the visor, my black hair a huge contrast against the white, and put on some light makeup before checking the time. 7.50. Oops.

I pull the curtains again for Ciara and run out of the room, down the spiral staircase, and out the door into the gardens, passing Chica and saying hi as I go. I jog deeper into the more secluded parts of the gardens, and the tennis courts start to come into view. Thank goodness I had caught a glimpse of them when I was with Dan, or I'd have no idea where I'm going.

As I walk through the gate I see Phil sat on a bench parallel to the nets. He stands up when he sees me and makes his way over, greeting me with a smile and a hug, his hand warm against my exposed skin. I notice it's slightly sweaty - he's nervous?

"Wow, Kira right on time. I see you received my little present?" He says, eyes raking over my body, and I simply thank him and nod, not wanting to talk about the clothes.

"Sorry about the tennis, I just didn't know which sport you prefer, and I wanted to spend some more... time with you." He says inching towards me. "I'll admit, this really just was a date excuse, and a chance to see you in tennis kit," he says, winking, and I pretend to find it funny. I probably would've found it funny if these clothes weren't so tight that they're digging into my skin.

He goes and sits down on the bench, and pats the space next to him, indicating for me to sit. I do so, wondering where he's going with this.

"So... Kira..."
"So... Phil..."
"Look, when we kissed last night... it was one of the best things to happen to me. I couldn't sleep last night, all I could think about was how you felt and the feeling I get when I'm around you. It's not just our parents that want us together, I do too. I really like you, Kira." He says, and my mind goes into a frenzy. What do you say? Do you like him back? What if you don't? Then what do you do?

"I like you, too, Phil," I begin. "I just don't know if I'm ready for a relationship yet. And, you're an amazing guy but, with what happened to my mother, I don't know if I'm ready to put that trust into someone yet. I hope you understand." I say, looking down into my lap, my mind still beating me up. 'Really, Kira? You're playing the sympathy card?' 'Oh my god that was so cliché, you might as well have added "it's not you, it's me" '

"Of course I understand. It's not your fault your mother ended up with a Howell.-"
"It doesn't matter that he's a Howell!" I blurt out. Great, Kira, now get yourself out of this one.
"Uh... what I mean is that my dad was a bad person, end of. It has nothing to do with his last name. I understand there is some tension between your family and the Howells, but that doesn't mean it's okay to prejudice everyone simply because of their name. I'm sorry, I just don't think it's right." I say, getting ready for Phil to yell at me and tell his mother I'm a traitor.

I see his expression soften as he considers what I said, and his response takes me by surprise.
"No, you're right, I was being stupid. It isn't right, and I guess I've had that mindset for so long because it's what I was raised to believe. Just don't mention it to Derek, he isn't intelligent enough to understand," he says, smiling at me, and I smile back to break the tension in the air.

"...but about what you said, about not being ready," he begins, slowly edging his hand towards mine and interlacing our fingers, "I would honestly wait for you as long as you want. I know it seems weird and sudden but... I really do think I'm in love with you."

The Criminal's Eyes - Daniel HowellWhere stories live. Discover now