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Choromatsu: "Todomatsu say that again!!? " Choromatsu scream out even outside the street people who cross by can hear " I say tomorrow my friend will be coming to our house by the way I had already told mom so my friend will be having dinner with us" Todomatsu say while playing with his phone Osomatsu standing in front of Todomatsu with a serious face "Todomatsu is a he or is a she"

Todomatsu stare at Osomatsu and answer him with a small voice "she"
Todomatsu brother all gather and attack Todomatsu except Karamatsu
Todomatsu : wait guys is just a friend she is not my girlfriend so relax
Osomatsu: is she still a single
Todomatsu: yes
Jyushimatsu: yeah tomorrow a girl will come to our house
Karamatsu: Todomatsu is it y/n chan ?
Todomatsu: yes Karamatsu niisan...
After hearing y/n chan is coming he can't help but keep on smiling
Ichimatsu: stop that face Kusomatsu you are so disgusting

The next day in Matsuno house

Choromatsu: come hurry you guys we gotta clean up this place Jyushimatsu!! I say no running while I'm sweeping the floors
Jyushimatsu: whee!!!! Yes Choromatsu niisan (still running around)
Todomatsu: Choromatsu now is still morning y/n chan will arrive in the evening so no need to do the cleaning so early
Choromatsu: What are you saying Todomatsu a girl is going to come to our house we need to prepare everything nice and clean
Osomatsu: (yawn ) flappymatsu what with all this noise early in the morning
Karamatsu: I'm going out for a while now
Choromatsu: Stupid elder brother come here and help and Karamatsu niisan you are not going anyway today we need go clean up the house today!!!
Todomatsu: when Choromatsu became a mother....
Osomatsu: is not even the last of the year yet

At the Sutaba

Today is Y/n chan shift so she need to work but only for half day and she getting a bit nervous going to Todomatsu house.
Y/n: today I don't feel like someone is watching me maybe yesterday must be  Todomatsu fan staring away him
After finish work you decided to go home prepare wearing some nice clothes. After finish On the way to the Matsuno she saw her crush Tamura Senpai. Y/n always shy in front of him just like a different person
Y/n: what should I'm getting nervous damn Todomatsu is not with me now.
Tamura: oh isn't it Y/n chan hello long time no see
Y/n: Tamura Senpai good day////
Tamura: today you are alone where's Todomatsu?
Y/n: he is at home later I will be visiting him
Tamura: oh Y/n chan you look cute on this outfit
Y/n: thank you Senpai//// ( he just call me cute my heart can't stop racing)
Tamura: I'm sorry y/n chan I had to go now I'm having a meeting today lets chat next time yeah I will try to go to visit you and Todomatsu when I'm free see ya
Y/n: bye bye Tamura Senpai see you next time...( this is heaven Senpai always looks so handsome)

???: Just now who is that person why he was talking to my y/n chan and Y/n what was that face you had never make this kind of expression to me...

Y/n turn around prepare to walk but then she heard someone call her name

Karamatsu: y/n chan  heh.. We meet again
Y/n: what are you saying Karamatsu we are going to meet anyway since I'm going to your house today
Karamatsu: you are right my y/n chan
Y/n: come on Karamatsu lets go !!
Karamatsu smirk and walks with y/n to his house.
When reached to Matsuno house
Karamatsu open the door " I'm back burazza " Choromatsu running toward to Karamatsu " KARAMATSU HOW DARE YOU SEEK OUT OF THE HOUSE DIDN'T I TOLD YOU..."
Y/n: hello nice to meet you

Choromatsu begin frozen and staring at you and began to speak " ah.... Nice.. nice...nice to meet you " Karamatsu help you close the door  Todomatsu came from the stairs " what is it now Choromatsu niisan you are so loud" Todomatsu was surprised saw you were already here "y/n chan you made it to my house I was so worried that you were lost" Todomatsu hug you then you hug back " thanks to Karamatsu for lead me here" you giggle "for my Karamatsu girls I will do anything to help" Karamatsu said with posing some pose. Choromatsu later bring you to the living you sit down and saw a man in a purple hoodie sitting at the corner he was staring at his leg you walk to him

Y/n: hello I'm Totty friend my name is Y/n F/n nice to meet you Matsuno San.
Giving a warm smile at the purple hoodie guy. Ichimatsu staring at you and stare back to his feet " I'm Ichimatsu....nice to meet you"
You saw his face a bit face you think he is adorable "nice to meet you Ichimatsu 
san" suddenly you heard a loud noise outside of the living room

Osomatsu : where is she ?? ( open the living room door)

This time is a red hoodie guy he look at you and smile at you " hi I'm the elder brother Osomatsu Matsuno nice to meet you, wow you do look cute " he say while rubbing his nose. suddenly someone behind him jump out in front of you is a guy wearing a yellow hoodie
"Jyushimatsu desu!!! Nice to meet you muscle muscle hustle hustle!!!"
You began to laugh at his hyper action "I'm y/n F/n nice to meet you Osomatsu san and Jyushimatsu san"

Choromatsu came in and told them not to be rude since you are their guest today.
Osomatsu: hey y/n chan do you like anyone are you still a single ? How about dating with him your life sure will be full of joy
Todomatsu: Osomatsu niisan stop that you are making y/n chan uncomfortable geez I'm so y/n chan Osomatsu niisan always like that
Y/n: is alright Totty

The door suddenly open there's a old woman standing there that's must be their mother Matsuno san "oh what a lovely lady nice to meet I'm their mom thank you for always look after my neets " Todomatsu: hey mom!!
Y/n"I'm y/n f/n nice to meet you too Matsuno " you say later you go to Todomatsu " so you all are neets Totty I didn't know that " Todomatsu feel like want to start screaming
Matsuno: well everyone is time for dinner

You and the Matsuno brothers sit together and eat, after finish you all decide to play some video games you all are playing racing car while you finish your turn you hand your controller to Todomatsu. While looking at them playing suddenly you feel someone poke you then you turn and saw it was Karamatsu.

Karamatsu: y/n chan come with me I want to show you something
You nod and follow him to their room and climb up to the roof . When reached on top you are surprise to see a lot of star tonight is so beautiful

Y/n : is so beautiful right Karamatsu
Karamatsu staring at you " yes is so beautiful y/n chan but you are more beautiful then the star just like kagura hime " you turn to him and giggle "thank you Karamatsu and thank you for showing me this beautiful scenery " you gave him a warm hug that made karamatsu blush madly you can't help but laugh at him. While sitting next to you Karamatsu is about to hold your hand but someone voice had cut it.

Jyushimatsu: Y/n chan is your turn !!!
Jyushimatsu calling you while he is climbing the roof . You and Karamatsu decided to go back to the living room.
Y/n: oh is look at the time is already this late I had to go home now tomorrow we still got work right Totty
Todomatsu: yeah thank you for coming today Y/n chan
Matsuno brothers: thank you for coming y/n chan .
Todomatsu: how about I walk you back home y/n chan
Karamatsu: no no no no Todomatsu tomorrow you had work right you better go sleep early let me y/n chan knight to protect the princess
Todomatsu: when did you become her knight Karamatsu niisan....y/n chan are you really alright letting this painful escort you home
Y/n: sure I don't mind anyway (giggle)
The Matsuno brothers all blush when they saw you giggle

So you decide Karamatsu to escort you home you wave and say goodbye to them before leaving. On the way home y/n and Karamatsu keep on chatting non stop after reached your house you turn to Karamatsu and saying goodbye Karamatsu: wait y/n chan
You turn looking at him wonder what happen Karamatsu right hand holding a blue color rose " for you my princess "
Y/n " wow is so beautiful the rose but is it alright for me to take it?"
Karamatsu " of course is for you after all I'm your knight right "
You decide to take if not you feel sorry for him " thank you Karamatsu I had so much fun today "
Karamatsu " is anything happen you can always come and see me or my brothers "
Y/n: thank you so much Karamatsu goodnight
Karamatsu: goodnight my princess hope you had a sweet dream tonight

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