Fireworks matsuri part2

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Todomatsu looking at his brother ( how am I going to seperate with my brothers if I manage to be with y/n chan then we can go visit her friends stall) Totty was thinking.

" Ah isn't it Todomatsu and y/n chan glad to see you two here" y/n and Todomatsu turn their head around and saw Tamura Senpai
Todomatsu & yn: Tamura Senpai!!!
" I cannot stop blushing oh no he is looking at this way " Todomatsu whispers at my ears " now is your chance y/n chan (with cute voice)"

Choromatsu: who is he Todomatsu?
Todomatsu: one of my friend and is also y/n chan Senpai
Karamatsu eyes were open wide and big (why is this person doing I got it he trying to ruin my plans and take y/n chan away from me....I won't let him to this) Osomatsu " Karamatsu are you alright your face looks a bit pale
Y/n go toward to Tamura Senpai " how do I look Senpai////"
Tamura " you look beautiful today y/n chan " you were blushing madly inside your head were fan screaming

Jyushimatsu: ah Tamura San today you are wearing red yukata !!! Same as OSOMATSU Niisan !!! Nice match !!
Osomatsu: Jyushimatsu who will be happy to had a same color match with a male....
Tamura: hahahaha you are so interesting Jyushimatsu if you are saying color matching y/n chan and Karamatsu yukata quite match since they were wearing blue color
Y/n: eh!? (Your face blush a little)
Karamatsu: well of course we match each other perfectly our heart and...
Karamatsu been cut of by Todomatsu
Todomatsu: but Tamura didn't you like light blue color I remember you told me you like girl wearing light blue color yukata (giggle)
Tamura: we'll hee hee yea you are right that's why today I found her more cute then before (blush)
You notice him blush make you smile and blush. Thank you Totty you say in a small voice
Choromatsu again found that Karamatsu is making that scary expression again then Osomatsu suddenly speak hey guys the fireworks will going to start soon

Everyone looking at Osomatsu direction now .

Osomatsu: how about lets had a match card game who had the same number will be team up since we now had 8 people so one group will be two pair

Karamatsu: nice idea Osomatsu ( now all I need is to get the same card with y/n chan with using cheat )

Todomatsu: y/n chan hope you can get your lucky partner hee hee
Y/n: Totty you are too loud////
Ichimatsu: tch.....
Jyushimatsu: I want go 1st !!!

So the result is
Osomatsu & Choromatsu
Osomatsu: I want to be with Y/n chan not with flappymatsu!!!
Choromatsu: shut up and who is flappymatsu !! You think I'm happy to be group with you you stupid elder brother!!

Ichimatsu & Jyushimatsu
Jyushimatsu: yeah me with Ichimatsu niisan  yoroshiku!!

Ichimatsu: I'm ok with jyushimatsu at least not with Kusomatsu

Jyushimatsu: the truth is Ichimatsu niisan also want to pair with y/n chan write

Ichimatsu: tch....I didn't even say that (face turn a bit pink)

Todomatsu & Tamura

Todomatsu: aww I wish I can be with y/n chan but is fine at least not with one of my brother

Tamura: Totty don't you notice that this group name is start with the T

Todomatsu: yea if you don't say so Totty and Tamura so is double T hee hee

Tamura: hahahaha now where do you wanna go now Totty?

Todomatsu: how about y/n chan friends stall

Tamura: Oh the pretty lady stall hah alright let's go !!

Todomatsu: yeah ( I feel sorry for y/n chan o wish I can change team with her )

Karamatsu & y/n
Karamatsu: so this is fate right y/n chan
Y/n: yeah I guess ...
Karamatsu: what's wrong honey you look so sad ? Do you really hate to be group with me ?

Y/n turn and look at Karamatsu puppy eyes there so cute you were weak at those cute sparkling eyes

Y/n: no no Karamatsu don't get me wrong, well but I guess I m also feel quite happy team up with you.

Karamatsu: really?

Y/n : if team up with Tamura Senpai I guess I will end up blushing a whole time and my heart will be explode////

Looking at y/n chan warm smile while talking about other men how can she ...

Karamatsu hold y/n chan hand and dash together

Y/n: Karamatsu where are we going ?
His hand were too strong he held my hand too strong I'm started a bit afraid

Karamatsu: don't worry my y/n chan we will be there soon before the fireworks start

When we reach a riverside where is so big and clean, there's also a lot of fireflies it was so beautiful....
Karamatsu : this place I used to come with Jyushimatsu to see the fireworks. Is a really good place.

When the fireworks began it looks so pretty big and loud

Karamatsu keep on staring at you instead of the fireworks suddenly he hug you make you speechless

Y/n: Karamatsu???

Before I can say another word he use his lips to seal my lips. I was so shock and frozen a bit after I come back to sense quickly push Karamatsu away

Karamatsu: y/n chan I'm sorry I..... Just can't control myself you are too cute.... I I I... I love you
You run away from Karamatsu while covering your mouth " that was my first kiss "

Karamatsu: so y/n chan you don't like me Anymore? Heh her shocking face were so cute ... Is alright y/n chan I will protect you

After the fireworks you all gather at the stall you keep on looking down not to make an eye contact with Karamatsu while  karamatsu still staring at you.

Todomatsu found out something wrong with you....

After you went back home your phone start to nudge you saw it was tooth msg

Y/n chan are you alright what happen
Did Karamatsu did something wrong to you or his painful getting more painful?

From Totty

You decided to told Todomatsu about it

What Karamatsu niisan stole your 1st kiss !!! U didn't know he had the guts to kiss you.... I'm really sorry y/n chan I should had change with you I'm very sorry please don't be sad

From Totty

You reply him again

Is not Karamatsu fault, I'm the one who is wrong I shouldn't be so rude running away from him since he trying so hard to confess with me....

From y/n

After finish chatting Todomatsu go look for Karamatsu

Todomatsu: Karamatsu niisan you got a second I need to talk to you now

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