Year 2

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"So Harley, be good, stay away from bad people and remember that we love you very, very much okay?" I hug my father one more time before stepping into the train. The Hogwarts express never fails to make me feel at home. I see a few girls from my year and smile at them. I never really talked to the girls of my year except for my dorm mates of course, but I mostly hang out with Scorp and Al. I walk into our coupé to find them throwing popcorn at each other. "Boys.." I mumble and sit down on the green couch pulling out a school book from my bag, "Harley! Heads up!" Scorp throws popcorn at me and I snatch it out of the air and stuff it in my mouth. Albus and Scorpius almost fall off the couch laughing, "What? Oh no, did you enchant the popcorn?" I say with my eyes widening, but from the corner of my eye I can already see my hair turning as white as snow... I should've known.. "Damn you Malfoy, the 1st minute of me being with you guys already bloody ruined my whole school year. Why don't I have other friends.." "Because you love us." Says Scorpius with a smirk whilst putting his arms around me and giving me a hug.

"We could be twins right now don't you think?" He says whilst comparing our hair colours, "I will take my revenge on you Scorp, don't think I'll forget about this easily, this war has just started." I say with a sly smile, "Wow, I just came up with the best idea ever! Albus come here!" I signal for Albus to come sit next to me and I whisper my plan in his ear. "That's brilliant, I'm really looking forward to it now bloody hell please do it as quickly as you can." Albus says, jumping up and down. Now Scorpius is looking at me with a doubtful look, "Don't cross the line Afias.." I scoff and give him a smirk, "You did and so can I."


It's 2am, everyone is asleep except for me and Albus of course. "Okay so it took me some time to perfect this spell, but I finally got it. This spell will turn Scorp emo. Black and red hair, piercings and guess what!" "What?" Says Albus with hopeful eyes, "The guy liner is permanent." Albus holds in his laughter and his eyes starts watering a bit. "Okay so this spell will last a week maybe longer, I just have to get close to Scorp and tap him on his nose 5 times." "Why 5 times though?" I chuckle, "Because he'll get 5 piercings, septum, snakebites, eyebrow and a lip piercing." "Isn't that 4?" "Well snakebites is 2 piercings so basically it's 5." Albus jumps up and down softly, "Please do it already." He begs me, I chuckle and walk up with Albus into the boys room.

"HARLEY AFIAS, YOU ARE VERY LUCKY I CAN'T COME INTO THE GIRLS ROOM OR YOU'D BE DEAD BY NOW!" I wake up by Scorpius yelling in front of our door, "Harls what the bloody hell did you do now." Asks Cas me with a yawn, I get up from bed. "My dearest friends, it's my pleasure to introduce to you, Scorpemous Malfoy." I open the door and there's a very annoyed and a very emo looking Scorpemous on the other side. I hear a few gasps behind me but soon they're all laughing their asses off. "I must say Scorpemous the guy liner suits you." "What did you just call me? Whatever it doesn't matter, you better be telling me how I'll get rid of this Afias." He says his face almost turning as red as his hair. "Don't worry Scorp, it'll wear off in like a week or so and during that time I'd say have fun being an emo." I say to him with a wink and close the door, "You're getting a serious payback for this one Harley!" I hear him yell and walk away, Michelle Emmy and Cas are still laughing their asses off, "Harley you are a genius, how did you do it though?" I smirked a bit, "Made a spell, so basically I can do this to him again, which I'll probably do like the whole time." Emmy chuckles, "You're gonna kill that poor boy.." "I know." I say with a devious smile.

"Scorpius Malfoy what on earth have you done to yourself?!" Says professor Longbottom with a gasp when Scorpius walks into the Herbology classroom, I can hear Albus covering up his laugh with a cough. "It was Harley sir. I can't help it." I can hear some girls chuckling when they see him, even in his second year Scorp was famous with the girls, well at least he was. I can see professor Longbottom staring at me with a stern look but I can see a little smile forming on his lips, "Good job Harley." He finally speaks up and high fives me, "Five points to Slytherin." I burst out laughing whilst Scorp just hides his face in his hands. "Oh Scorp it'll be over soon." I say patting his back, Albus smiles "But for now, we'll just enjoy it."


"You know I actually like the septum piercing." Says Scorp whilst laying on the couch in the common room. "Maybe I'll get it when I'm older." He says with a smirk, " Yeah because that will totally suit you." I say with a chuckle, he gets up. "Well actually, I'm a Malfoy, nothing has to suit me because girls will fall for my charm anyways." I roll my eyes at him, "Oh please, I bet you for 2 galleons that you can't get a girl looking like this." His eyes start getting a dangerous glow, "Challenge accepted!" "Scorp, we're second years we're not supposed to have love interests already." I say rolling my eyes, "I'm gonna prove you wrong anyway." He says whilst sticking out his tongue. "Whatever." I mutter whilst going back to reading my book.


"Harley? I was told to give you this note by Scorp, don't know what's in it but yeah." I sigh and open up the note, "Tonight. 10pm. Broom closet on the third floor. Stay hidden." Oh god, the filthy bastard did it. He found someone willing to snog with his emo-face. I cringe at the thought.

"Malfoy, you're so hot." I hear someone moan, I scrunch up my nose in disgust. "Same goes for you babe." I hear Scorp say with a raspy voice. This is so disgusting. I look inside the cupboard for a brief moment and almost burst out laughing by the sight I'm seeing, "You fucking kissed Daphne Cornwheel!" I say whilst laughing out loud, she looks at me with a face of disgust. "At least I got someone to kiss me." He says whilst poking out his tongue. "I believe you owe me 2 galleons?" He says, a smirk forming whilst holding out his hand to me, Daphne gasps in shock and slaps him across the face causing me to almost fall on the ground laughing. "You got bitchslapped-" I say and wipe away a few tears, but new tears come up quickly "Daphne fucking Cornwheel!" I shake my head and give him two galleons out of my pockets. "You totally earned that." "Shut up Afias." Scorp says whilst giving me a punch to the shoulder, we arrive in our common room. "And I swear if you tell this to anyone-" "ALBUS, SCORP MADE OUT WITH DAPHNE CORNWHEEL AND SHE SLAPPED HIM!" I yell running towards Albus with Scorp chasing me. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He yells after me and my laughter can be heard throughout the entire common room.

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