Year 6

38 5 2

Benjamin Jarvis as Scorpius Malfoy ^


"Albus, come on you know that was nothing!" I run after him and try to grab his hand but he shrugs it off. He still walks away fists clenched and the scariest/lowest voice ever. "Do I Harley? It's been us 3 for the bloody past six years, why can't it ever be just the two of us?!" "Because Scorpius is my best friend Al.." I say softly, Al's eyes start tearing up a bit but his features are showing me that he's furious, his hands are clenched into fists, his mouth's pressed into a thin line and his eyebrows are furrowed.

"Is he really though? I walk into our sleeping dormitories, or better said the guys sleeping dormitories, and I see you and Scorp all cuddled up and peacefully sleeping-" "Yeah, so it's Scorp we're talking about." I say interrupting him, I don't really understand why he's so mad, I mean this has happened before, hell Scorp has even seen my boobs. "You were wearing just his shirt and your underwear. " "Yeah okay I get your point but I mean it's Scorp.. Al, you know nothing happened between us and you know nothing ever will." I rest the palm of my hand against his cheek. "Albus Severus Potter I love you, and no one else. I would never, I repeat, never cheat on you." I stand on my tiptoes and give him a small kiss. I can see the side of his lips turn into a tiny smile. "Isn't the man supposed to say I love you first?" He says with a smirk knowing this'll trigger me, "That extremely sexist dude, I mean hello ever heard of gender equality? It's the 21st century not the 18th. I mean it's totally-" "Babe I was just messing with you, I love you too, a lot." He says smiling and kissing me once again.


"Guys, who's coming with me to Muggle London in the Christmas holiday, and yes after that we'll crash at your place Albus." I give Scorpius a strange look, "Why would we go to muggle London for the holidays?" Scorp pats my hair, "Because my dearest, dearest Harls, I'm getting a septum piercing." I gasp and burst out laughing at the memory of our second year. "You weren't joking when you said you would wanna get one when you were older, merlin's beard." He smirks, "I think I'd look quite handsome to be honest." "What you and handsome? That's a combination I thought I'd never hear." Says Albus with a clear look of disgust, Scorp punches his shoulder softly and soon they're bro-fighting. I smile at them, "Guys stop fighting or I'll join!" I yell at them, Scorp and Albus have this weird stare-off and I know they're telepathically having a conversation, then they start smirking and walk up to me.

"Guys, no. I don't know what you're planning but I know it's bad, so don't you dare." They both run up to me and pick me up, Albus grabs my feet and Scorpius my arms, I scream for help as they keep me lifted above the ground and walk around with me. I start saying some random shit after a while because it's taking me way too long, "Okay so, you call yourself wizards? I mean you could've lifted me up with magic, just a simple spell would've sufficed and I'd be floating in the air safely." They ignore me and after a while of walking around they drop me on a piece of grass outside. I get up and take in my surroundings, "Did you guys honestly bring me out to the edge of the black lake and not push me-" before I can finish my sentence Scorpius pushes me into the water and I grab his shirt so he falls in with me. I get out of the water as quickly as I can, freezing my ass off in the meantime, "SCORP IT'S NOVEMBER WHAT THE HELL?!" I say immediately clutching my arms because I'm literally freezing, "That's why I brought Albus, you can wear his warm and cozy sweater, just didn't think of the fact that you were gonna throw me in as well." "Bloody bastards." I mutter softly and Albus takes off his sweater with a grin and gives me it. I take off my soaked shirt and I put on Albus' sweater and sigh when I feel it's warmth, Scorp and Albus are both staring at me. "What, you've both seen my boobs so don't go around pretending it's a big deal." I say rolling my eyes, "Bloody boys and their hormones" I mutter softly.

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