So, since he's already here we celebrated together with Martin. He said his jealous of his guys because they were actually living the life of an action star.
But aside from this celebration we're also waiting for the most awaited meeting of Daniele and the love of his life, Allison.
Daniele's POV
Allison. My friends have already told me about what happened to her.
I came to her with a teary eye because it's been three years since I lost her. She looks so different now. She got even more beautiful that I wasn't able to recognize her when we're still in Greece.
"Hey." She greeted in low tone and she bowed her head cos she's shy. "Why are you in tears?" She ask curiously.
I quickly wipe those tears away. "I'm sorry. I'm just- really happy to see you again."
She got confused. "Why? Are we also best friends? Or what are we?" She ask.
I got scared to tell her the truth because she might not forgive me. I cause so much pain in her life.
I breath out a heavy breath. "I'm your crush, remember?" I said jokingly.
She laugh and it just melts me up right now because I haven't heard that wonderful laugh for years.
"Seriously?" She said still bursting loads of fun.
I laugh with her. "I'm Daniele."
"So Daniele is the name of my 'crush'. I'm Allison." She introduced and we shake hands.
Carmel's POV
They look so cute.
"Baby, don't drink too much okay?" Justin whispered under my ear and he tossed our wine glass.
I looked at him and just stared at him appreciating how blessed I am in this world for granting me a hot future husband.
I can't believe I am actually getting married to someone who cause me too much pain. That will end up causing me too much happiness now.
But when you honestly learn to forgive someone and let go of what has been done, it's a good example of freedom.
Letting your heart happy once again by forgiveness. It's one of the hardest thing to do but it always works.
I have learn to love Justin. I was just taken away by my hate because of what he have done. But there is still love deep inside of you. The love was still there. It just takes a lot of time to find it again.
From the past few days that I am with him. I thought I'm not gonna learn to love him back anymore. But he's really completely different. He opened my heart again. He look for the love that has been hiding for years.
He made me fall in love again.
And we know that falling in love is the most amazing things in this world.
I thought Marriage is not my thing because I'm not really a kind of person who would go into a relationships before, until I met Justin. And I became more uninterested when he hurt me.
Maybe the reason why I became less interested with other guys because I was meant to someone who was really made for me.
God didn't bounce me to different guys anymore to get to my true love.
He have already given him to me, three years ago.
"Are you already thinking of how are future would look like?" I snapped back into reality.
I nod my head yes. "Yes. And it's so beautiful. We're going to bear beautiful people honestly."
He chuckled and reach for my lips. "I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too, Justin." I respond and pressed back my lips on him.
"Oh, c'mon! Let's party! You can do that later?" Ariana shouted and we dance along with them.
"Come on, girls. We'll teach you how to become an action star from the movies."
So I know you guys are stressed about Selena and Justin right now. I woke up seeing those comments and pictures and I actually cried because Justin had changed already. He is not the Justin we fall in love with.
And the photo below says it all. Selena still cares about him and she's actually making him understand what he's been doing right now but he is bitter.
Selena went through hell against his fans before because of her relationship with Justin but Selena still save the Beliebers after all.
She slayed everyone once again.
And the hell he said that selena used him for fame?! Gosh Selena was already in barney, wowp, making movies, receiving awards while he was singing down the streets for coins!
I know, I'm a belieber too but we've been here for years and we've been there for him through his downfalls and rising moments. But he had change a lot. And it feels bad. We receive nothing anymore, he's not making us all happy. Well he got everything that life has to offer now because of us. We've given him too much food on his plate. He got all our money that is enough until he died. He doesn't care about us anymore. We're leaving for a while but just don't come knock on us begging for our love again.
I'm still a belieber. I'm gonna support your music, because that is the only thing makes us all happy now. I'm gonna make this book beautiful as my love for you before. But now, I'm done with all his shits. Just give us music and go fuck yourself.
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Sorry for this long drama. 😭 I know most of you feels the same way too.