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Chapter Two

Lucas's Prize

"Donna baby come here!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Coming!" Donna replied. Her voice was disturbingly squeaky and her appearance wasn't all that pleasant either.

"I need you to take Lily home okay." He commanded. He handed her the keys to a car and gestured her off in my direction.

"M'kay sweetie pie."

Lucas made his way towards me and kissed my hand. "I'll be seeing you tomorrow princess." He released my hand from his grasp and opened the door to a blue car that didn't even compare to the Cadillac he owned. It was really rusty, old, and consumed the smell of oil and fish.

"Thank you Lucas." was the only sentence I managed to say.

He closed the door and Donna started the car. Lucas gave me a wink and headed off in the opposite direction.

As Donna maneuvered her way through the streets I noticed that she didn't even ask me for directions to my house.

"How do you know where my house is?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Let's just say that Lucas always knows where his prizes are located." she replied while masticating her gum. "A stud like Lucas always gets what he wants you know that. I mean c'mon baby you are such a sex pot why wouldn't he want you?"

I shifted in the seat at her last comment. I've never been called a 'sex pot' before and it made me feel very uncomfortable especially hearing it from her.

As my house came into sight I was relieved that I would soon be in the comfort of my bed. I noticed that my parents' car wasn't parked in the driveway. I was mentally praising God; who knows what would have happened if they saw me come home with this odd ball.

Donna didn't even stop the car and I had already opened the passenger door. I took out the house keys from my purse, opened the front door, and made my way inside.


"Where were you last night Lily?!" Beverly questioned, slamming her tray that contained nasty cafeteria food on the table.

"I told you that I was going somewhere but you were too busy getting ready to suck out Bryce's face." I raised my voice a bit.

"I know, I heard you okay and sorry I ignored you but where did you go? You said you'd be back and you never came?!" Beverly asked as she looked around trying to see if anyone heard her yelling at me. She was always the one to never be seen as a psycho. At least that was the idea I had planted in my mind.

"I know, I was just meeting up with some people Beverly and I didn't keep track of time." I lied.

"Oh really? Define 'people' Lily."

"Damn Beverly are you writing a book?" Beverly raised her eyebrow and squinted her eyes. "Okay look, I went to see Lucas."

I whispered the last few words but once Beverly's face expression changed I knew that my attempt of "whispering" failed.

"Did you just say Lucas? As in the Lucas Wade?" Beverly's face expression was indescribable but it was close to hellish.

"Lily you know that he's not the same Lucas from seventh grade right? You're so stupid." Beverly addressed while rubbing her temples. "You know how he is."

Beverly went on rambling on how my actions weren't the brightest. She sounded just like my mother. Instead of taking in her rants, I blocked her out and thought of the guy I sort of met last night. I really wanted to know who he was. The only person able to help me would be the last person Beverly would want me to see.

I stood up from the table and grabbed my belongings. "Where are you going?! Lily are you even listening to me?!" Beverly exclaimed. I felt the eyes of everyone in the school cafeteria on me, although that was truly a figure of speech and not actuality. I ran towards the back lot and made my ways towards the group of greasers.

"Hey Lucas, I need to ask you something." I said, panting, trying to retain my breathing.

"Princess, missed me already?" Lucas grinned.

"Who was that guy I met yesterday?" I ignored his question. I started to fiddle with my fingers an indication of nervousness.

Lucas walked in circles around me and had his hand on his chin. "I'm not too sure who you're talking about baby." he lied.

"You know exactly who I'm talking about Lucas." I stammered.

"I don't really like the way you say my name princess. You should call me daddy instead." Lucas stopped circling me and walked behind me. He caressed my face and planted a kiss on my neck. I jerked my head away and slapped his hand away from touching me any further.

"Lucas stop just answer my question." I demanded. He stuffed his hands into his pocket and paced back and forth kicking a few little rocks here and there.

"Look sweet heart," he stopped walking and stood right in front of me. His face was in close proximity to mine. He fiddled with my hair and went on to say, "That guy isn't someone you need to get to know alright? Alright good. I'm so fucking happy that you understand." he stated sarcastically.

"Why? I just want to know who he is." I removed his hand for the second time and started walking away from him. "If you're not going to tell me who he is then I'll find someone else to tell me"

I walked up to Lucas's gang and tapped Louis Tomlinson, the second head leader of the gang.


"Yes? That'd be me. Don't wear it out now." He threw his cigarette to the ground and adjusted his collar.

"Look I came here to ask you something." I stated. "So about last night..."

"Look doll face, my time doesn't revolve around you. Get to the point." Louis interrupted.

"Okay.." I huffed. "That guy that came late yesterday...well um who is he?"

"Don't." Lucas's voice was very stern and it made me jump. I felt his presence right behind me and I felt tension in the air.

"Lucas c'mon man, Zayn isn't a threat at all." Louis smirked.

Lucas grabbed my wrist, stopping me from making any further movements. "Lucas stop you're hurting me." I whined. My words only made Lucas hold my wrist even tighter and I felt as if the circulation in my hand would stop at any moment now.

"You really need to learn how to keep your fucking mouth shut kid." Lucas yelled, pushing Louis with his other hand. "As for you princess," Lucas said making eye contact with me, "stay away from my friend got it? He doesn't need you and as a matter of fact he doesn't even want anything to do with you so it better fucking stay that way."

The bell rang and Lucas released my hand from his grasp. My wrist was red and I knew that bruises would appear sooner or later. I was like an apple. I bruised very easily with even the slightest touch.

As I walked away from Lucas and his gang, I was able to hear them laugh at how vulnerable I was. It made me furious. I stopped and retraced the steps I just walked. I made my way to Lucas once more.

"What did I tell you guys? Look she can't get enough of me." He smirked, his tone of voice and choice of words plunged deep into my core. He was overwhelming and that was more then enough for me to continue with my idea.

"Lucas.." I cooed, while batting my lashes at him. I twirled my hair with my finger and tried to act like the "sex pot" Donna made me out to be.

"Yes baby." Lucas made his way closer to me and I was able to get him where I wanted him to be. Within seconds my bony knee was in contact with his groin.

"Don't ever tell me what I can and cannot do. You aren't my daddy."

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