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Chapter Three

I ran away from what had just happened. I knew for a fact that my actions would lead to ugly consequences. I have to prepare myself and embrace what Lucas will have in store for me. My thoughts are everywhere and my body is exhausted. I have everything to lose but I'm not going to give in easily.

I found myself standing next to one of many school entrances giving myself a chance for my body to retain the air it needed. I looked around to see if anyone from Lucas's gang was after me but instead a school flyer caught my attention. I removed the cheap flyer from the brick wall opposite to where I was standing and gave it a look. It was advertising the annual school hop that is hosted in our gymnasium. I grabbed the flyer and stuffed it into my school bag.

I made my way inside through the school halls successfully avoiding Beverly and a few others. The bell rang and at that instant I decided to ditch my last two classes for the day. I felt like such a bad ass. I have ditched before but not in high school, only in middle school.

I made my way towards the football field and hid under the bleachers. My petite body was easily concealed. I peaked through the bleachers trying to get a much better view of the physical education class that was currently in session. The class mostly consisted of sophomores and a few juniors.

"What the fuck is this shit? I didn't sign up for this sir." I heard a male voice say.

"Calm down Mr. Malik or I'll have to send you down to the principal's office." The P.E coach was very stern and it reminded me why I always hated his class so I don't blame the guy for not liking the class as well.

"I'm out of here." the kid referred to as 'Mr.Malik' stated, throwing the dodge ball to the coach.

He made his way out the field and headed towards the locker room. My mind was telling me one thing while my body reacted the total opposite. I followed him, making sure I kept my distance. I turned around to see if anyone was watching me and then proceeded to what I was doing.

Once he was out of my sight, I went inside the locker room and tip-toed my way through the aisles of beaten up lockers. The locker room was a little too quiet for my liking. It made me feel even more guilty of being here. I passed by every aisle and I found no sign of him. I made my way outside and decided to go back under the bleachers.

"I was wondering when you'd come out." he smirked. I turned around and noticed the Malik guy leaning on the brick wall near the entrance of the locker room. He released the air he previously inhaled and continue to smile at me. I stood there so dumbfounded and embarrassed. I didn't know what to say.

"What?" he brought the cigarette to his pale lips and inhaled the toxins once more. "Cats got your tongue?" He released the smoke into the air causing me to cough a bit.

"No. I was just.."

"Staking me? I think is what you're trying to say." he interrupted.

"I was not staking you." I lied. I started fiddling with my hands for the second time today. I started to walk away hoping he would follow me but my hopes were a little high. He just stayed where he was and watched me slowly move away from him. I was able to hear him laugh from where I was.

"You know if I was you, I'd stalk me too." He yelled not caring if others heard. I rolled my eyes at his comment and continued to make my way to my desired destination.


It had been around twenty-five minutes since my encounter with the guy and I was disappointed he hadn't followed me like guys usually would. I decided to sit down under the bleachers rather than stand. My skirt created a princess like effect as it was scattered a bit around my body.

Due to the winds, there were a bunch of leaves and twigs scattered on the ground so it was easy to make out if someone was approaching. I heard someone nearing to where I was and the first thing I did was smile. I guess I expected a certain someone.

Once I turned around my heart stopped and my smile faded away. I wasn't expecting him.

My thoughts were to get away as fast I could but it was no use.

"Where are you going princess?" Lucas smirked. He held my arm and brought me closer to him.

"Let go of me!" I yelled, hitting him with my book bag.

"Shh baby," he placed a long cold finger on my lips, "We don't any unwanted attention now do we?" His voice hinted sarcasm and annoyance.

I started to look around to see if that guy was still leaning on the brick wall but he wasn't. I felt Lucas stare at me but I tried to avoid from looking at him.

"Who are you looking for Lily? Hmm?" he asked. I didn't answer him. I looked away but he grabbed my chin with his hand and made me stare into his precious eyes.

"Let's try this again sweetheart, who are you looking for?" he asked for the second time. I just stared at him and I furrowed my eyebrows. I felt the pressure of his hand tense on my chin and I knew that I was annoying the hell out of him. I heard the coach's whistle, a signification that class was over. It startled Lucas a bit but not enough to the point where I was able to escape from him.

He released his grasp from my chin and grabbed my hand making sure I wasn't going anywhere. He glanced quickly through the bleachers and glanced at me once more.

"Let's go Lily." He demanded. I hesitated on moving but he pulled my arm. "Now. C'mon let's go princess unless you want to ruin your perfect school girl reputation with the fucking teachers." I had no choice but to leave with him.

I was expecting Lucas to bring me back with his gang but instead he brought me back to where his car was parked.

"I was expecting your gang to jump me you know." I referred to the earlier event that happened today. He just chuckled and shook his head.

"Oh my dear Lily there's so much for you to learn about us." he replied. I was confused as to what he was referring to.

"So where are they?" I asked. I looked around hoping to see anyone to help me get out of here. I'd rather be in class than be with Lucas. It scared me a bit being alone with him now.

"They're taking care of very important business princess." he said with much anger. No matter how many times Lucas refers to me as 'princess' I don't think I'll ever get use to it. I always get butterflies at his choice of words. I've known Lucas since seventh grade but the times surely have changed. He was different but I don't know if it was a good different or a bad different.

I gave Lucas a glance of confusion hoping he would give me an answer. "You wouldn't understand Lily." he finally stated. I sighed and started daydreaming about the events that happened earlier today and all the things I could have said. My thoughts at the moment were on the Malik guy. His voice sounded familiar but I couldn't put a finger on it. It was irking me to such an extent.

"Don't hurt yourself now." Lucas chuckled snapping me out of my thoughts.


"You're thinking too hard."

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