Meet My Mind

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  • Dedicated to Jimi

Dedication: When  Jimi brought up my first topic, i wanted to voice my opinion and i thought it was funny so i decided to post the story! Thanks Jimi!!!

Okay so, i tend to have really funny ideas and really funny opinions on things. I am going to post them all here. If you want me to spit out my REAL opinion on something then tell me!! comment on this story with what you want me to judge or whatever. Plus, i give advice sometimes......if you want any advice post it in a comment....or PM me. that works too. but either way!

I want to tell you what i think on some subjects!!!!!

Note that you can't get all mad at me for my opinion....and if the subject is something i either dnt have an opinion on or something is not appropriot, i will let you know by privet messege. However, i do want to see tons of comments on this!!! Because i want subjects to judge and make people laugh :P


i guarentee you will laugh at some, if not all, of this book :P

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